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21 Messages Posted
Posted 4-24-12
Danny Green, SM3, USS Union LKA106, 1966 - 67 -
My first time with feet on the ground was at Clark airbase after flying 22 hours from Travis afb with a couple stops for fuel. From there straight on on bus for Subic, what an eye opener when we reached Olongapo, scared the hell out of me. Spent a few days there before back to Clark for a flight to Okinawa to catch the Union, she had just got there when several of us boarded before they got shore power. Left there for Danang and other stops before going to the PI. October 66 through March 67 made several trips to the PI where I seemed to hole up at the Acme club before returnig to San Diego before the next cruise Feb of 68.
Posted 4-24-12
John Link
I was stationed at Cubi Point in FASRON 113 during the above times. I worked on the flight line and in the admin office. During this time we had a NEGDF (Naval Emergency Ground Defense Force) team that I was a member of. A lot of memories of the beach parties at the end of the runway, HUK alerts and of course Olongapo.
Posted 4-24-12
Hersey, Marion T
I was assigned to the galley at the hospital for 2 years from 1978-1980. As MS3 and MS2. While stationed there I was married and my son was born at NRMC Subic.
Posted 4-24-12
Allan Schneider
I was stationed at Clark Air Force Base from about 1967 until September 1969. I worked at and later became the Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge of the Marine Corps Liaison Unit at the Hospital. We met the Vietnam Casualty Busses and tended to the personal and administrative needs of all Marine Corps Casualties and on occasion, their families from the minute they arrived until they were able and departed for Continental United States. I knew my wife several years before being stationed in the Philippines. I visited her while on an assortment of deployments to and from Vietnam. We met at the Sky Club at N.A.S. Cubi Point where she worked. Maria (prefers Lynn) Macasinag Schneider. In time and contrary to the advise of everyone I knew at the time, family included, we were married on August 15, 1968 at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Angeles City. Forty-Three plus years later she remains the love of my life. Great times! We loved the Philippines back in the day and still love the Philippines today.
Posted 4-24-12
Paul Harris
Would hope to contact other drivers who operated the 15 Ton Ward La France tractors Hauling foods from Manlia and Subic Bay. Also transported all military cargo John Hay/Crow Valley ect.
Posted 4-24-12
David Battiste
Since 1987, I have tried my best to locate Victoria. She was with CTF73, truly was a swave womna in uniform. I'm David Battiste. Was exployed at the Cubi Point Post Office. My brother AD1 Frank died and YNCS Shelley Battiste is somewhere in Florida.
Posted 4-24-12
HM3 Deborah Codding, 1985-1987
Manpower, OR (anesthesia tech)
Definitely one of my favorite duty stations in the Navy (I retired after 22 years). So young, so long ago, LOL!
Posted 4-24-12
Terry Lafferty 82-86 VF-154
Coral Sea and Constellation
Fell in love with the Philippines so much after 2 divorces met a Filipina online talked for 18 months visited twice and just married here in the States April 9th 2010. Absolutely no regrets. Gorgeous great cook terrific wife and plan to retire there one day. Shes from the southern Philippines 34 and knows nothing about (Mojo) anyone know the recipe? I really miss it! Im learning both languages Bisaya and Tagalog and some Japanese she speaks all three and English very well. Will be going back January 2011 and will be visiting Subic to see the changes. Well hope all is well with everyone and keep your memories alive and like me im sure when you think back to your good times in PI we all have a little grinn now and then.
Posted 4-24-12
Rusty Hopp
Mabuhay ... My name is Rusty Hopp, USN; Made several port visits through the years to Subic (3 WEASTPAC from 75-80) and was Lucky enough to be Stationed at PATWING ONE Det Cubi 80-83 (Station Dito)... Made OS1 while there ... Loved the island Paradise. Married while was there and have fond memories of the people and places. Would like to reconnect with old shipmates. Cheers
Posted 4-24-12
Laura Luzader Lortz, 1980 - 1982
My name is Laura Luzader Lortz. I was stationed at Subic Bay from July of 1980 to April of 1982. My duty station was the "Cold Line". Launch and recovery of transient aircraft. I was a ground crew chief. I truely loved my job. I had a lot of fun there too. The most fun I had in PI was at "Dirt and Dusty's Easy Rider Inn" times...If you remember me please feel free to contact me.
Posted 4-24-12
Bill Brown
Hi, I'm Bill Brown, formerly BT-3, and was abourd the USS Ramsey FFG-2. I flew to Clark Air Base right around Thanksgiving 1980 and met the Ramsey there. We were in and out of base until mid March 1981. I had a great time there as all of us did. If any of my former buds from the Ramsey read this please get back to me.
Posted 4-24-12
Michael Jones, EN3, Subic Bay Boat Pool, 1970 - 1971
Have a lot memory of good times I spent on and off the base. Wish I could remember the names of all the Good friends I made while station there. Would love to hear from anyone that remembers me. thanks
Posted 4-24-12
Jack E. Butler
Good evening fellow shipmates: Just found your email listing and I was reading some and I got the urge to send a email to everyone. We arrived in Subic Bay sometime in 1953 after just leaving Taiwan aboard the USS WASHBURN (AKA-108) after squadron drop off about 20,000 Chinese from the Tiechen Island, China. You will not find it on the map because the UDT personnel blew up the islands so the homeland could not get them since they was stepping stones right into Taiwan. This not only including humans we also brought their animals. Getting back to Olongapo (remember back then we did not have air condition and we had to sleep topside because it was too hot to sleep below decks. Well anyhow the bars back then put the San Miguel beer in big wash tubs and ice to the brim. Majority of us never had been their and so we all got our dress whites on and went ashore and after a night of drinking guess who we ran into latter (Marines) also remember none of the roads were paved or blacktop so when we got back to ship we all look like we been through hell. We had to throw away are whites because you could not even tell they was white one time. So we went to sleep and in the morning we woke up after sleeping topside we all woke up with our eyes glued shut Doc said it was the sun the day before because we was not used to that bright sun light for all a long time. Every time mentions Subic Bay/Olongapo this comes to my mind. And that is my expierence with Subic Bay.
Posted 4-24-12
Ok, here goes... I know this is really going to be a hard find - but, I was dating a sailor around 1960 and my Mom made me break up with him after he was sent to Subic Bay. He was stationed at Miramar Naval Air Station before he was sent to Subic. I have never forgotten him nor was I able to tell him why we had to break up. I still would like to close that gap even after all these years. His name is Richard R. Rockwell - his friends all called him Rocky. He also had the great job of being a lifeguard at Miramar. So, if any one remembers him or knows where he is now I would love a chance to communicate with him. Thanks.
Posted 4-24-12
Vincent Paul Staley
TAD from NAS Atsugi, Japan Oct. 1965 to Feb. 1966 Aircraft
Maintenance Dept. NAS Cubi PT.
USS Enterprise CVA (N) -65 pulled in to Subic 8 times 1966-67
Mobile Missile Maintenance Unit One NAVMAG Sept. 1971 Dec.
I was the worst radar technician in the Atsugi Fire Control Radar Shop so they shit canned me to the PI. Cant thank Cosmo Remke AQ1 enough. I made 2nd class that Oct. was dumped off of the carrier pier to break in my new crow. It was five glorious months in the PI where I took up snorkeling and saltwater fishing. Orders to the USS Enterprise came in and I was yanked back to the cold ass & expensive Japan. The Big E pulled into Manila Nov. 1966 where I took three days leave to avoid Shore Patrol duty riding the bouncing liberty launches with drunk & spewing sea sick swab jockeys. A young mestiza from New Jersey made my stay most enjoyable. During our Westpac cruise we made port many times. I used to laugh at the horny dogs already in their dress whites and manning the rail before you could get a whiff of the shit river. I was stationed at Weapons Dept. NAS Oceana, VA when my orders to MMMU-1 came in. What a great day that was. When I checked in at their NAVMAG site I found out I was the senior first class and took over as LPO of Muster Mumble & Make It. I soon moved off base to Barrio Baretta where a silk worm (parachute rigger) and I shared a beach house with two live in girlfriends. It wasnt too long before we were five and then six. I have a 37 year mestizo son who lives in LA, with his wonderful Filipina wife and two great grandkids. They are the best thing from my time in the PI. I have tons of photos of the PI which are being scanned and emailed to this site. Im sure many visitors here will enjoy seeing Subic Bay as it was. I havent met a single sea dog or gyrene who didnt fall in love with the PI. Disney Land West: the greatest rides in the world just across the bridge. If any bubble heads from the diving barge read this I would like to track down HM1 Doc (last name?) 1971-72. Also any scuba divers from our NAUI classes we taught SUBIC BAY DEPTH CHARGERS. If anyone knows where CT Allen PR2 is hiding out, tell that SOB he still owes me money. Beach house deposit and down the payment on Ernesto Dela Cruzs banca boat. What a time we had!
Posted 4-24-12
Danilo Deano
I was one of 6 civilian medical interns at the Subic Bay U.S. Naval Hospital from 1966 to 1967. My first exposure to American military medicine for the first time in my young medical career was truly awesome and most memorable. There is a lot for me to be thankful about in being given the opportunity to take care of those wonderful members of the U.S. military and their families and working and learning side-by-side with all those remarkable corpsmen and rank and file of the U.S. Naval medical family.
Posted 4-24-12
N Steven Larsen
I was stationed at Naval Magazine Subic Bay May 67 to May 68 in the admin office, Communication Yeoman. I have a picture taken Feb 22, 1968 at the Tom Tom Club at 1815 with Lane, Me, Roth, Rick(he was a friend off a ship in port) PJ, Jerry and Rock. All but Rick worked in the admin office at the time. I would love to hear from any one stationed there at that time.
Posted 4-24-12
FC1 Louis Dalton, Physical Security, 1988 - 1989
Great site, I was stationed their for two years . Before that I was on the USS Oldendorf out of Yakuska. I would love to hear from any shipmates. I worked up stairs beside of supply.
Posted 4-24-12
Harold Shaw, 1964 - 1965
My name is Harold Shaw, I was an AN 3 stationed at COMFAIRWESPAC Det Cubi in 1964/1965. I worked in the Air Navigation Office which was located in the same building as the Photo Lab. After Cubi I went to the USS Constellation CVA 64 where I served in V-6 Division working on the roof as an AE-3, later as an ASE-3 when the rating came out. I finished my 4 year hitch aboard Connie in Jan 1967 after the 1966 WESTPAC cruise. Hats off to all servicemen and women, especially the Viet Nam Vets. Fair winds and following seas to all.
Posted 4-24-12
Tim Shalk
I was a seaman on the USS Coral Sea CVA 43 operating in Yankee Station off the coast of Vietnam in 1966 and 67 Operation Rolling Thunder (was assigned to Ships Stores S3 Division) We made several turn arounds in Subic, and I spent many liberties in Olongapo City. Also traveled to Manila from Clark AFB on one occasion, and took an interesting Jitney Ride from Clark to Subic via Quezon City. Loved Grande Island, and also loved Olongapo at night. Favorite Club was the Zanzibar Club. It was always wild in town when carriers were around as there were thousands of guys on liberty. Upon return to the States I was transferred to Corps School in San Diego, became a Corpsman (medic), was transferred to FMC at Camp Pendleton for 8404 Combat training, then served at the Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in Oakland CA, and then with the Seabees (MCB10, 31st Naval Construction Regiment). Discharged as an HM2 on Feb 4, 1970 and joined the civilian world. If anyone was in Subic at the same time and wants to share some memories, it would be great to connect.
Posted 4-24-12
PH3 Scott Russell, Fleet Air Photo Lab Subic bay 77-79
I was stationed at the Photo lab at Cubi Pt. for almost 2 solid years, and after reading other guys postings I felt I should too. I was a PH3 and spent most of my time in town as I rented an apartment on sixth street, a couple of blocks away from Magsaysay. I had a G/F by the name of Virgie, (Virginia Del la Cruz). I took lots of photos of the area during my tour. I also miss the sights and smells and sounds of town. I ate many things I dont know what they were. Balut was always a fun thing to eat when you were drunk. Remember the Cave? Subic city? All us photographers mates had a private party once in Subic city, Stumpy & Gimpys. Wow, so many memories.
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