1998 - Messages         1999 - Messages         2000 - Messages         2001 - Messages
2002 - Messages         2003 - Messages         2004 - Messages         2005 - Messages
2006 - Messages         2007 - Messages         2008 - Messages         2009 - Messages
2010 - Messages         2011 - Messages         2012 - Messages

120 Messages Posted

Posted 1-1-01
Moran Vassey, 84 - 85

In 1984  to 1985 I was at Subic Bay while I was in the army. While I was there I fell in love with this girl. Her name is Zing Zing and she lived near the traffic circle up on a small hill. If any one could help me out in finding her, I would be so thankful. I have plans on going over there and finding her if I have too, because I know I in my heart she still loves me like I love her. Its crazy but I have never gotten her off my mind. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Phone Books, Maps of the area, etc. Write me back if you can help me. Even if you would be interested in going over there with me, because I am going! You can also contact me at... 704-487-4031 Cell Phone 704-472-2727. Call 24s hrs. if you have any information. Thanks!

Posted 1-1-01
Stephen Dunn, 60 - 62, 68 - 70

I was OIC USS AFDL-10  in 1960 1962 Then again as OIC & Docking Officer 1968 1970.   Would like to hear from old shipmates and civilians in that time frame. I was with dependents on both tours and will very busy on the last tour, it was the best of my 26 year service. I have some photos of the dry docks if interested. E-mail me a " I am in Florida and enjoying the retired life. Stephen Dunn Lcdr USN Ret. Any one from the blue Lodge feel free to communicate. This is a 1ST Class Site.

Posted 1-1-01
GMCS(SW) Omar Rodriguez (Ret)
Uss Sterett (CG-31) 1981-1984
Naval Magazine Subic 1984-1987

I was a part of the original crew that sailed the Sterett from San Diego to her home port change to Subic. I was a GMG2 and worked for Chief Hollis on the 5" gun mount that we called the "hydraulic nightmare." I was then transferred over to the Naval Magazine and worked on the piers for Chief Smiley and Gunner Burgess during the huge ammo onloads called NTPF. It was a wonderful and frustrating six years which I will never forget. My son was born at the Naval Hospital there and we lived in Binictican housing. Would love to hear from anyone out there stationed either on the Sterett or NAVMAG.

Posted 1-1-01
BM1 Epply (Retired), 80 - 83, 88 - 92

Anyone stationed at Subic Boat Pool from 80-83, or at Mt. Santa Rita from 88-92 drop me an email. Many interesting stories to share. Very outstanding job to the webmaster for creating this site.

Posted 1-1-01
Greg Shaw, 85 - 87

I was station at COMCARGRU 5 in Cubi Pt from 85-87. It was my first duty station as an RM. I am looking for anyone who was station there. Please contact me.

Posted 1-1-01
Rick Stone, YNC(RET), USS Newport News (CA-148) 67 - 69

Great site.  You've done a fantastic job.  We operated out of Subic during two Vietnam deployments.  These were in the days when we were young and stupid.  Spent part of my growing up time in Olongapo.  Oh what memories.

Posted 1-1-01
BM3 Richard Rios, USNR. USS Wichita AOR-1, 1980-84--3rd Div.

Hello all---I'm posting this to see if I can find any one I served with aboard the Wicked Witch of the West. I have many memories of all those crazy nights in Olongapo . Jammin all night at the Sierra Club , Apple Rock, 100% Rock and my favorite the Genisis. Anyone remember that dude that played just like Eddie Van Halen? And who can forget that pitcher of Mojo at the Pussycat to get the motor running before you hit all the other clubs. And I have to mention all those beautiful women who made it all the more fun. I truly miss my time there. 4 Westpacs and 11 port visits there certainly left their mark on me---I will treasure them always. Keep up the good work on this site.

Posted 1-1-01
Bill Payne RM2 USS Sarsfield DD-837, 1973

Greetings from Talkeetna Alaska and Happy New Year.    I flew over to the PI from NY in 73, I think, to meet the USS Sarsfield DD-837 which did a short stint in Viet Nam.  Missed out on the boat ride there, but not back to the States.  Stayed in Subic for 3 months, and loved all the places and things you wrote about.  Would like to add though, me and a couple of guys were off base, in the restricted area when Marcos declared Marshall Law.  That was not too much fun.  Have any idea about the armed forces expeditionary medal for those who were in direct support of forces in Viet Nam while in the PI?  For some strange reason, they said we were eligible, but now after looking at my DD-214 after 27 years, it doesn't show anything.     Anyone at great lakes and Bainbridge Maryland in 72??

Posted 1-5-01
HM3 Dan Elliott, USNH, Subic Bay

I was in the final crew.  Unfortunately, I was injured and missed the final month, but I got to enjoy all of the fun of them "Pinatubo Blues."  I was the last senior corpsman of the SICU, and the final anesthesia technician before it all closed.  Would really like to hear from anybody I know.  I hope everybody is happy, healthy, and living the dream.

Posted 1-7-01
Cliff Morrison, Cubi Point, 84 - 86

Hi,and thanks for a great web site! My name is Cliff Morrison,Iwas an AD in VC-5 at Cubi,1984 to 1986.Would like to hear from anyone who knew me,sure had some good times there !

Posted 1-10-01
ADC Dave Chaney, 84 - 87

I was stationed at VC-5 NAS Cubi PT from Mar 84 to Aug 87. I have returned there a few times on a ship and twice with my family. Love it there. If anyone from the checkertails was there the same time, write me and say hi!!!!

Posted 1-10-01
TM3 John L. Easteling, USS Sterett, CG-31, 81 - 84

I married a lady name Virginia Perez (Gigi). We lived on fourth street. We would love to hear from anyone that knows us.

Posted 1-10-01
RMC (Retired) Roger Hanthorn, San Miguel, 78 - 79 and 87 - 90

I read through all the back postings to the site. Wow, the memories came flooding back. My wife and I go back to the PI at least every 2 years. She is from a province called Nueva Ecija. Anyway, we always spend a couple of nights in Angeles City and it is slowly getting back to the way it was. I am going back in March and I hope to get down to Subic and up to San Miguel. I still have shipmates that live in San Antonio. We stay about 14 days and they always have to drag me to the plane because I don't want to go. Still a great place. Guys get back if you can. It's different, but the barbecue and the beer still taste the same and all those familiar smells you remember are still there. I also have told people here about the good old days and no one will believe me. Guess you had to be there. I was also stationed on the USS Oklahoma City from 1971 to 1973 and we were always there. Good times, good people, and good food. Happy New Year!!!!

Posted 1-12-01
AD2 USNR Scott Reed
VC-5 Checkertails 84-86

Best time of my life was those two years in PI. Miss the fun, beer, and............... Oh well, ya'll know!!!! Would like to hear from anyone in VC-5. Finished active duty on CVN-69 (Go figure) and have been in and out of the Reserves ever since. Currently with NR CV NE 0109, have been to Norfolk twice in the last year for tours (2 wks) with CVN-69. Best of luck to all.

Posted 1-14-01
T. Scott Summerour, SMC(SW),
FSD Subic, Military Policeman 91-24NOV92

What a great sight!!! Talk of Subic and I get a tear in my eye. God I still love the place. I was a young SM2 aboard the Passumpsic, being on an USNS and living in Subic? Didn't get any better than that. Being a Military Policeman working in Subic was probably my best duty so far in this great Navy. No matter how much you explained it to the locals, they still referred to us as OPM. I still remember myself and IC3(SS) Cloe doing the last zone 6 and 7 check early in the morning of 24 Nov 1992. You guys that were at security know what a 6 and 7 check is. Love the place so much, brought a piece back with me and we have 3 great children. Sunday Pool League, the best!!, played for Whiskey River and later for Blue Parrott (Rest In Peace Mike). After the closure, went to NSB Bangor WA, then came to Yokosuka, Japan in 1995, closest I could get back to PI. Leaving Japan in May to push boots at GLakes. Anyone that remembers me drop me a line, would love to hear from you. If anyone knows of SM1(SW) Charles Silver, tell him I am trying to get in touch with him, his god daughter would love to see him. If anyone happens to see Brian Campbell (ex STG1 now MSC) at Midnight Rambler tell him I said hey hey hey.

Posted 1-14-01
SH2 Howerton San Miguel Comstore 89-91
Navsta Subic Comstore 91-92
USS Midway 85-87

To my first short time which cost me my watch as collateral. To the Cork Room celler for a cold beer and some hot peanuts. To Blow Heaven and Sweet 16 bar out in Subic City. To Miami Beach and Gains Beach. To all the pretty pinay's that helped me along the way. To the crossroads in San Antonio. To FRA Branch 367 and to the Big Foot Bar. To Via's Place on Gordon Ave and the great tacos. To the jeepney specials out to Subic City. To Baloy Beach. To Heaven Bar, Whiskey River, Hogs Breath Tavern, Samuri Massage Parlor, Casablanca, and Island Girls. God Bless You All!

Posted 1-15-01
MN3 Swede Swenson NavMag 69-71

Bravo Zulu on this web site. It is one of the best. Sure brings back many memories of the good old days.

Posted 1-16-01
CTR1 Alan Klein, USNR(ret)
NAVCOMMFACPHIL San Miguel, Dec 57 - Nov 59

I was an RM2 at the time and worked in message center at the base. Miss the ice cold beer at the Zig Zag in Olongapo and the great chicken at El Papagayo. If any body knows of the whereabouts of a lovely lady named Lilia Espinosa, please let me know, I would like to drop her a line.

Posted 1-21-01
AQ3 Bob Popso, Class of "72" Cubi Point, USNAS, NAVMAG Subic

Does anyone out there remember me? Have been looking for TM-2 Paul Filer (not sure of spelling). He was my "Bro" at Cubi Pt.. Email me at the address above.

Posted 1-24-01
YN1(Ret) Donald Johnson, VC-5 Admin Office from Apr 80 - Dec 85

Hi Checkertails Sailors! I'm YN1(Ret) Donald Johnson, worked at VC-5 Admin Office from Apr 80 - Dec 85. Like to hear from anyone at VC-5 during this time frame. We had some great times at Subic Bay, Angeles City, Manila and all over. I'd like to go back there sometime. I know it won't be the same but I'd still like to go back and check it out!! All Checkertail Sailors be glad to hear from you. It is always hard to place faces to names but we were still a great family back then! To all of you out there good luck and following seas. God Bless!

Posted 1-27-01
Nick Napzok, 65 - 68

Hello. My name is Nick Napzok and I was a sailor who made many visits to Subic Bay and Olongapo from early 1965 to late 1968 on the 2 ships I served on, the USS Jason (AR-8) and the USS Falgout (DER-324). This is an update to a message I had posted on July 30th of last year (2000). I have recently built a website devoted to my time in the Navy and to those 2 ships I mentioned above. It's loaded with pictures and info. The URL of the site is Everyone is invited to come and visit.

Posted 1-27-01
Dale Matsel, USNR ret. RM1,
NCS San Miguel 60-61, 64-65, NRS(T) Bagobantay 61-62, NavSta Sangley Pt. 65-66

Great site.  Keep up the good work.  None of us will ever forget those tours.  Some of the best in the world.  I was back for a visit in 1992 just before Subic closed and still loved it.  Would be great to hear from any of the many buddie from those days. I've put up a small page for NAVCOMMSTA Phil on the site if anyone's interested.  Quite a few contacts there for anyone interested, although this site is a lot more fun.  Mabuhay from Green Valley, AZ.

Posted 1-29-01
USS John S McCain
(DDG-36) 69-71, USS Turner Joy (DD-951) 71-72, USS Horne (CG-30) 74-77

Just found out about this sight today. It is great! Brings back a lot of memories. Remember the Mexico Bar on the right outside the gate. Also remember on the McCain when we were in the shipyard for about 25 days because of engineering problems. Special pays were busy during this period. A lot of softball games and trips to Olongapo every day. Any one who knows me or wants to write you are welcome to. Thanks

Posted 2-2-01
Phil Rinehart CT3, San Miguel, 68 - 69

I was stationed at San Miguel and working for the Naval Security Group. In our bldg. we had to ride the cattle car to get there. I lived on base for about 6 months and then I was only there for work. I'm looking for some of the guys who were stationed with me in Bremerhaven, Germany. In early 1968 we left Germany and ended up in San Miguel. How I would love to re-live those golden days in Olongapo, and San Antonio. I went out on detachment on the Enterprise in May of ' 69 til Aug. I left th P.I. in Sept. of '69 for discharge. If any of you guys are out there, e-mail me. I would love to talk with you.

Posted 2-3-01
Pat Drogalis, EM-2, USS-Seminole AKA-104 and USS-Vesuvius AE-15, 68 - 71

I loved Olongapo, best liberty in West-Pac. The girls were pretty, the San Miguel was cold, the clubs were rockin. At least thats what I remember! Always looking for shipmates.

Posted 2-7-01
?_______?, 78 - 79

I was stationed at NTCC Subic from Jun 78-Dec 79. 18 months of bliss! Made 6 Westpacs on the Sacramento, Fife and Meyerkord. Still miss the sights and smells. Anyone for a San Magoo or a ESQ and coke? Who remembers the Apple Club, Old West #2, New Jolos, Catwalk, Fisheye, New Florida, and the rockenst club of all The Serria!! Also looken for Tommy Skates, Eli Goins, Mike Anderson, Dave Edwards, Joe Weatherall or any you other  Station Ditos.

Posted 2-15-01
Vince Danner, EW1, USS Sterett 85-88, SRF 88-92

I'm living in the Pacific Northwest and enjoy hearing from all the Barrio Runners.  Jim Hanson, we miss you!

Posted 2-15-01
Jim Scott, RM3, NAVCOMSTA, San Miguel, 66 - 67

Was at NAVCOMSTA PHIL (San Miguel) from Jan 1966 to Sept of 1967. Worked in MSG Center. Always will remember Olongapo and the BBQ and flowers and the beautiful gals. Would like to hear from anyone who was at San Miguel during the time. Our gang hung out in several bars, notabley, the "Oro", The Cave, El Tropican, Jolos and Copacano, as well as Paulines.

Posted 2-16-01
Jack Giessmann, Lt. (Ret)
USS Sterett (CG 31), 85 - 86, Military Customs (OPM) 86 - 92  

Looking for Chief Goundry,  haunted the Barrio and esp. the "Midnight Rambler".  Would also like to hear from any Sterett shipmates and anyone I met and worked with while in Subic.

Posted 2-16-01
YN2, Donald Simpson, VP-4 79 - 82

What an awesome web site.  Thank you for keeping the memory of Subic Bay and Cubi Point Alive.  I deployed to Cubi Point for 2 six month deployments.  My time there was never enough.  During my final deployment, I couldn't find myself to leave Olongapo, so I took all 30 days leave that I had on the books and stayed an additional month before I joined the squadron back in Hawaii.  My fondest memories in the Navy took place at Cubi Point and Subic Bay.  What a shame that future VP squadrons will not have the pleasure of deploying to the Philippines.  As soon as we would get back from deployment we would start counting the days until the next deployment.  I lost my heart on Gordan Avenue.  Even after almost 20 years I still tell stories of my days in the Philippines.  Trying to explain the lifestyle we had is almost impossible.  Thanks to you and your website, now we can talk to people that can relate.  Again, thank you for this website.

Posted 2-18-01
?_____?, WestPac, 85 - 87

 I was an EW stationed on the USS peleliu, westpac from 4/85 to 4/87, met a girl Rowena Cabrerra at the Brown Fox Club in 1985. Always wonder what happened to her, and I really loved her. Spent 8 weeks with her.  But I got cold feet and left, she wrote me for about 6 weeks after that and even sent me a birthday card a year later.  She was a great girl and I'll always wonder what happened to her, and she lived on bacon street. She also worked in the Equator Club after she quit the Brown Fox.  I got out of the navy in 1987 and I am with a Vietnamese girl I met in 1986. We are still together because oriental chicks rule. I love my woman, but always wonder what happened to Rowena.

Posted 2-18-01
Jim Nichols, AB3,
Great Lakes, Ill Company #500, 62, Subic Bay PI 62 - 64, Moffett Field CA, 64 - 66

Great Web Site. I arrived In Subic Bay at the age of 17 and spent 1-1/2 years station there. I was real fortunate to pull duty with the Special Services Dept. and stood watch many times at Lowrey Hall. For about 4 mo.s I was in charge of the employees that maintained the Swimming Pools, Teen Club and operated the Water Ski Club by the Marine Brig. After 4 mo.s of that, I put in for Grande Island Ass. Manager and spent the last year and two mo.s there. I did a lot of diving and fishing and of course servicing the round eyed ladies. The people of the PI where great and I must say we had some great times. Times I will never forget. What a life! At the end of my tour in Subic, I had a beautiful girl friend (dep.) named Chet Tan. We where a pair until I departed. She wrote to me for about a year, but I was so involved with other ladies in the states I never replied to her mail. I will always wonder what became of her, and also hope she made it to the states as she planned. I guess I was pretty wild after Subic and when I went home for leave, I really didn't know how to act. I guess the running wild on Grande Island, like a untamed native, took many years for me to become tamed and finally settle down. After all, I never really thought I was in the Navy until I came state side. Living in Subic, for me, was as being free as the wind and I thought this is what life is suppose to be like. Half naked and women every where. What a life. I could write a book, but who would believe me. Anyway, if anyone of the locals, old buddies or ladies want to chat, I am now residing in Yosemite CA.

Posted 2-22-01
Richard Pruitt, 85 - 87, 89 - 91

My name is Richard Pruitt, I was stationed twice in the PI.  Once in VRC 50 85-87 as AM2, then in VC 5 89-91 as NC1.  Looking to connect with anyone who still remembers me, also I'm interested in any information you or anyone else may have concerning a bar called El Peso on Balouy Beach or the owner. His name is Danny. 

Posted 2-26-01
Paul Koermer, USS Kitty Hawk, 67 - 68 

My name is Paul Koermer and at that time I was an AZAN attached to VAW-114 on board the USS Kitty Hawk from Nov. 1967 to June 1968 my first and only WesPac cruise. I can still remember to this day steaming for Australia and then having to go back out on the line because the Koreans seized the USS Pueblo.  And then when we did finally get some R & R we tied up in Subic Bay. While we were there that was when everything broke loose and we had the fire in the tire locker on board ship. Hoses spread out all over the deck, everybody that was down in the hole with OBA's hanging from their face and black smoke filtering into the air. I can also remember the good part of being at Subic and that was that little island where you cought a launch to get there and you could drink all the beer and soda, have all the steaks you wanted along the other goodys.  Those were the days.  If you need to contact me for anything you can e-mail me at home.

Posted 2-26-01
MS3 J. Land, USS Coral Sea '78-'82, SS05 Div.

Sergeant, Great site! Very well done! My original visit to P.I. (1979) was my first  to any foreign port  & was quite an eye opener! As a matter of fact, while walking past the money changers; you know...the ones where the pretty girls would be banging coins on the large plastic windows out front? The girls were in the habit of calling out the word "joe" to get attention. And I would turn around as though to answer them! Now that's "green" or acting like a "bootcamp"! Anyway, I used to hang out at The White House bar. It was situated on the left hand side of Magsaysay Blvd., looking toward town from the base. Not a big place, but it had a live band who were nice enough; (after a round of beer or so) to allow me to sit in on a song or two on the drums. This is a very fond memory! It is great to cruise around your site remembering those crazy times! On another note, Olongapo did remind me of how fortunate we are in America. Like I said, this was my first port of call; & quite an eye-opener.

Posted 2-27-01
Bill Martini, NTCC, 81 - 84

Hi my name is Bill Martini. I was stationed at NTCC Subic from 1981 - 1984. Send me an email. I'm retired now and living in Pensacola FL. Just reminiscing and wondering how all my old friends are doing.

Posted 3-1-01
Tom Richardson, Naval Supply "Fuelies", 89 - Till base closure

Anyone from Naval Supply "Fuelies" out there? Great Web Site! Looking for anyone that was stationed at the Naval Supply Depot "Fuel Dept." from 1989 to the base closure. Had a great time there. Just looking for anyone stationed there to email me. Thanks again for the Web Site.

Posted 3-4-01
Stephen Kent Walker

My uncle, YN3 Arthur Charles Mosteller, was assigned to Mobile Construction Battalion 9, Cubi Point. He died there on May 25, 1955. The Commanding Officer was Commander R. E. Thomas, Jr. Thank you for this interesting site.

Posted 3-5-01
Francis, David, PO2 then, Beat "C", 78 - 79

Calling all "Editorial".  Were you in the Armed Forces Police, Subic? Please e-mail me.  I am interested in writing a book about being "Station Dito", sa AFP, circa 1978-79.  Any information will be greatly appreciated.  Also, looking for a scan of the arm patch for AFP.  Thanks.

Posted 3-8-01
S. Marrsan, Boat Pool, 77 - 79 and 90 - 92

I was station dito 1977 - 1979 naval station Boat Pool as Bm3/2.  also 1990 - 1992 naval station Boat Pool as BMC  This web site is GREAT.  remembering all the good time: Subic city,  Barrio Barreto and Gapo city.  I remember it like it was yesterday!

Posted 3-8-01
ADJ 3, AD2, AD1 Kevin Grey
VA-52, USS KITTY HAWK, '72, '73-74, VP-19 '78, VP-17 '81.

I deployed to West Pac in 1972, the first time.  Made many stops in Subic Bay.  Hung out at the Florida Club, Sierra club, Charlies club, and Bonanza, primarily.  Had a reputation for roaming far and wide in an evening.  Came back the next year on the "Kiki" hawk.  I loved old Po town!  Retired with VP-19 for a few RO4N's in 1978.  That was the year I introduced Carrie Carter to the Dog Patch Resort in Subic City (or on the way to it ).  Then came back in 1981 with VP-17.  Had a great time, spent alot of time in Subic City. 

This web site is wonderful.  I would like to talk with anyone who remembers me.  Especially Happy Roy Brewer.  Nothing rocks like Olongapo did!  The most rightius port in the world!  My best memories are of 1973-74.  The riot in the jungle!  I got left by the Kitty Hawk for 4 or 5 months on the Cubi Pt.beach det with VA-52 while the boat went to the I.O.  Boy did I have a time!  Thank you everyone who was there.

Posted 3-9-01
John Griffin, Bm1 USNR, FSD ( OPM, as the girls knew it), Subic 89-92

Well, it's a new year. Yeah, I'm late. Anyway it's time for a new message. To all you remembering Subic. There's still some good (Liberty) night life there (subic City and Barrio) and in Angeles. Don't let that opportunity go. Those were some great times we were all livin'. Anyone wanna go back? Yeah, everyone does. Well, I do. If you're interested email me. Or if you were on the Meyerkord 77-81, Fresno 83-87, John Young 87-89 or in Subic from 89-92 then email me anyway. Oh, and by the way, email me back MACS Daly I still have that tape to send you, that and another one. You all take care... GRIFF

P.S. All John Young deck guys at the D' Rock party in 89 KNOW!!!!!   and whoever has that banner I airbrushed, ENJOY!

Posted 3-16-01
GMCS Charles A. Parks, USS Chicago CG11, 75-79

I served aboard the USS Chicago CG11 form 75-79, and I met a young lady named Bessie at the CPO club. I would love to be able to contact her. If any one has any knowledge of her please contact me at. Thanks!

Posted 3-17-01
Frank B. Bodden, AZ2
VFP-63, USS Hancock Jan - Sept 1967, USS Ticonderoga, Jan - Sept 1968

I made two Westpac cruises, one on the USS Hancock in 66-67, and one on the Ticonderoga, 67-68.  VFP-63 is a photo recon squadron.  Our pilots flew F-8 Crusaders.  Our home base was Miramar NAS in San Diego.  This is a fantastic site.  I've read the postings and relived my times there.  My memories are pretty much the same as everyone else's.  I spent many a great hour in the EM club on base.  There was a beautiful Filipino girl singing there with a band.  I'll never forget how great she sounded.      When crossing "shit river" into town, members of my squadron always went to a certain bar, whose name I can't remember.  When our squadron was in town, this was "our turf."  It had an upstairs balcony, and I can remember sitting up there on the veranda with my buddies in the evening, drinking down San Miguels and watching the world go by.  So loud and colorful.

But we also got away from Olongopo and the base.  We went to a fantastic beach called Whiterock Beach, which wasn't too far from Olongopo.  It was a touristy place, but we loved it.  We also took a chaplain's tour the ship offered and went to a place called Pagsanjian Falls.  We stayed in primitive huts, cement floors and cots. It was right on the river.  We had a native lauau type thing, roasted pig and the whole nine yards.  And on Sunday they held cockfights. Then we took the trip in dugout canoes to the falls.  Two Filipinos, one forward and one aft, paddled us downriver to the falls.  It was like another world, extremely dense jungles, little villages with the people washing their clothes in the river.  And the falls were like stepping back in time.  We also took a chaplain's tour into Manila.

Like many of the other people, I also have great memories of the hours spent on Grande Island, snorkling, swimming, playing softball, time at the club drinking and having fun.  We explored the island, the WWII gun emplacements.  Does anyone remember the small island across from Grande Island called Shark Island?  Me and some buddies swam/waded across to it.  Wasn't anything there, but just another adventure.

Thanks for this website.  It is really a great way for old farts like me  to relive our youth and our times in Olongopo.  I'm glad to say my buddies and I soaked up some of the Filipino culture, along with just hitting the bars.  The Filipino people were warm and friendly, and I'll never forget my time there. Frank Bodden, Carlsbad, Ca.

Posted 3-18-01
John Hall ATR2, Bonnie Dick, 62 - 66

Looking for ANY former Buddies that served in VF-194 aboard the "Bonnie Dick" from 1962 to 1966. We all were in Olongapo on "liberty" at those times indicated. Much obliged. John Hall ATR2.

Posted 3-19-01
Christopher Hegeman, Tugs, 90 - 92

Just trying to look for former shipmates that worked on tugs 90-92. Please drop me a line if you come across this site.

Posted 3-19-01
Mike Ruccio, San Miguel, 68 - 70

I lived in Olongopo from Sept 1968 until July 1970 with my wife Diana. I was stationed at San Miguel. I was a CTO2 at the time. I now live at... Mike ruccio, 1311 Mission, Kodiak AK, 99615. Anyone who knew me at the time please e-mail me. Thanks

Posted 3-20-01
John Stillwell, Postal Clerks, 1976 - 1978

Any Postal Clerks out there? First duty station was TNPO Subic. Name was late changed to FMC. Had a blast! Looking for any other PC's who were there.

Posted 3-20-01
OS2 Tom Bush, Armory Cubi Point Security Dept, 1986-1992

I am looking for people at that detatchment during those times. Or any Filipina who knows Arsenia Balanon. All my records were destroyed by Pinatubo in June 15, 1991. Any one remember those days?

Posted 3-20-01
TM2(SS) Ronald Broker
U.S.S. Haddock (SSN-621) Refit, Sep-Oct 1983

I had a grand ole time in the P.I. Got lots of off time in Olongapo, never will forget the fine girls there. Great site!!

Posted 3-22-01
RMC Don Cole USN (Ret)

Great site, I spent many a pleasant days and nights in Subic Bay.  The memeories are still with me all these years.  I was in Subic on the USS Woodpecker MSO209 and the USS Annapolis AGMR1 in the early 60's and early 70's.  I still remember the black outs around 4 or 5 PM every day.  They still had cold beer, although the bars were suppose to be closed.  No problem, they were always open.  I've lost count of how may times I have been there, but all through the Vietnam thing and even before.  Keep up the good work on this site. Thanks for the memories.

Posted 3-24-01
PH3 "Chris" Christensen Fleet Air Photo Lab, NAS Cubi Point
Armed Forces Police, Office of the Provost Martial (OPM)
Liaison to Olongapo City Police Dept, OPM
US Customs, Military Branch, OPM 19801-983

It is apparent to me that for those people who shared the common bond of serving in the Philippines (Subic bay, etc) is a bond that only they understand.  I too have many, many memories.  Some that have been shared here by others and some that are uniquely my own, but suffice to say that the most contented days of my life were those I spent in the Philippines.  I remember working with great people on and off base, and seeing things that will never come again.  I remember screaming across town in my AFP truck during the middle of a typhoon, I remember helping too many servicemen who were desparate to stay off "legal hold" when their ships were leaving, I remember Bajac Bajac market, and I am proud ot say that I was one of the people that involved with getting the Block Parties started- I worked with then Mayor Gordon's office and served as an MC at several of the stages where local bands played.  I would very much like to hear from shipmates that I knew at the Photo Lab, or at AFP's.  Sana'y makita ninyo ang ang sinulat at sagotin mo naman ang aking e-mail.** Hopefully you ill see my message and and answer my e-mail. 

Posted 3-30-01
CTR3 Peter Parpan, San Miguel, 1968-1969

God it seems like only yesterday.  The rainy season, the beautiful smell in the gentle breezes after the rains.  Drinking beer at the Nippa Hut on the beach by the South China Sea.  Listening to the local band doing song parodies at the NCO club.  Fred the bartender, Chari the beautiful little waitress.  The couple of slot machines, the occasional show.  the trips to Po on the Victory Liner.  The loud blaring music and wild dancing in and out of the what seemed to be hundreds of bars in Olongapo.  The nights at the Crossroads, getting drunk and having fun.  Crazy days but great memories.  A real life experience.  Loved it!  Anyone there at that time drop me a line. 

Posted 3-31-01
David Hallman, Ltjg, USNR, USS PELELIU (LHA 5), 82 - 86

Visited Subic Bay, Olongapo many times between 1982 and 1986.  Anyone from PELELIU Communications Dept. out there?  Remember the Both Bar and Jogie (or was it Josie)?

Posted 4-2-01
Joe Leosa, NavMag, 67 - 68

I was stationed at NavMag from 9-67 to 12-68.  I was a TM-2 and worked in the security/safety division and worked on all 3 piers within NavMag.  I also worked out in the groups. Many good liberties in 'Olongapo.'  Remember "monkey on a stick"? If you were there about this time, give me a holler.

Posted 4-2-01
Nick Napzok, USS Jason AR-8, USS Falgout DER-324, 65 - 68

This great site of Sgt. Holub's sure brings back many happy memories and puts a smile on my face that my wife will never understand, heh heh. In early 1965, I was a 19 year old sailor, just out of boot camp, on the USS Jason AR-8 when I experienced Subic Bay and Olongapo for the first time. The old salts aboard the Jason told me about what to expect in town but I wasn't fully prepared for the crazy carnival that was Olongapo in the wild and wooly 60s. For a small town boy from Iowa, this was pure culture shock, heh heh. I'll never forget the "fragrant" aroma while crossing "Shit" River into town. I'll never forget fighting through the millions of shoeshine boys trying to hustle me and everybody else. I'll never forget the bright lights and the sounds coming from the incredible number of bars on Magsaysay Drive. I'll never forget drinking ice-cold San Miguel's during those hot days in the P.I. I'll never forget drinking Mojos which would bring you to your knees real quick. I'll never forget eating LOTS of dried fish, pancit and fried rice. I'll never forget eating "monkey meat on a stick" on my way back to the ship. I'll never forget riding in jeepneys with those crazy kamikaze jeepney drivers at the wheel. I'll never forget riding and fighting in the "cattle cars" going back to the piers. Last but not least, I'll never forget the D'Crown Club where I met a girl named Belén who was my main squeeze everytime I was in port from '65 until my last visit in June of '68 on the USS Falgout DER-324. I'll never forget many, many other memories too numerous to mention here without writing a book. I made 4 WestPac cruises and Olongapo was always my favorite port, by far. Thanks, Sarge, for keeping these wonderful memories alive here. Any Jason or Falgout sailors here may get a kick out of my website at which is devoted to those 2 ships. Of course, everyone else is invited to come and browse. Smooth sailing to all and may the winds of fortune always blow your way.  

Posted 4-5-01
Michael Tobin, 78 - 80

HI my name is Michael Tobin and I was stationed at Subic from Aug 1978 thru Feb 1980. I'm looking for a girl that lived with me during that time her name was Fe Bellion and she used to work at the Peoples Cafe . I know she married a Navy man and is living somewhere in the States but if anyone has any information about her it would be great . I just want to see how she's doing after such a long time.

Posted 4-7-01
AME 3 Bob Egan, VC-5, 86 - 89

Great website, Thank you for a walk down memory lane! Would like to hear from any shipmates who were in VC-5 from '86-'89. Remember the hours we spent at T's Tavern, Heaven Bar, Slims..... A great time in my life I'll never forget !!! SALAMAT !!!!

Posted 4-10-01
Ron Powell, LTjg, CEC, PWC/NSD, 1/66 to 10/68

Would like to hear from others who were there then.

Posted 4-12-01
Elliot Casten U.S.S. Bon Bomme Richard CVA-31  1955-1957
MM2 - M-Division  Fwd. Eng. Rm.

I remember one incident in Subic Bay in either 1956 or 1957. I was an MM2 aboard the Bon Homme Richard CVA-31 and we were tied up to a dock in Subic Bay for 30 days for repairs to the steam catapults. We had a squadron aboard the ship that had a red and white checkerboard pattern painted on the tails of their planes. Evidently, in the dark of night, they had a sign made up and painted it with the checkerboard colors. They then had a helicopter hoist up the sign and place it on the tail of the Seabee's Bumblebee emblem on the base. Needless to say, the Seebees were pissed. The next day in Olongapo, if you were an airdale off the ship, your ass was grass and the Seebees were the lawnmower. It was a very interesting time. I also remember that in the enlisted men's club, you could get an ice cold San Miguel beer and two steak sandwiches for a buck. Those were the days.

Posted 4-13-01
William D. Elder, RM1 (RET) .
Stationed at ALL the Navy stations in the RP at one time or another

I have been back to the RP several times subsequent to the Navys departure. One of your individuals indicated that the base looks lousy.   I HAVE to challenge that statement. MY observations are quite different. The base definately looks better than when the Navy was there. Contrary to his statement of businesses departing,  rather, they are coming in droves. Olongapo has been reclaimed from the low-lifes and resemble a tourist area rather than a continual house of prostitution.ALL bars (and their workers) now reside/work in Barreto.  I definately desire to return and stay.

Posted 4-13-01
Thomas Bowie BM3, Boat Pool 1952 -1954

A great website and lots of hard work to keep it going,  you are to be commended. I had the opportunity to experience the beginning of Cubic Point. Cinderella Liberty. Using Script for money on the Base, The Peso exchange rate was 2-1. Could take our assigned LCM's out to explore the Bay on our days off. Subic City was off limits. Dealing with the Huks from time to time. Taking out the sand barge overnight to acquire sand to use in sandblasting for the Dry Docks. San Miguel Beer for 15-25 cents a bottle.Cigarettes 80 cents a carton. Diving on some of the ship wrecks from WW2. Picking up North Koreans in the middle of the night from Seaplanes which landed in the bay and taking them to Grande Island for interrogation. Crewing on the Captains Gig AVR and taking him to Sangley Point in Manila and having Liberty until he required us again, sometimes 2-3 days, choice duty, Going to Corrigidor before it was open to the public. Playing and working with great people from all walks of life. Many more experiences which are still to numerous to mention.   Ah yes I forgot, I did go to Olongapo and drank the good old San Miguel Beer, sometimes to many, Chased the women etc. Overall in my 2 years at Subic, I  enjoyed every minute of every hour of every day. An experience everyone should have. Unless you experienced it you will never know the true meaning of what Subic Bay was to all of us.   Keep the emails coming I enjoy the reading.

Posted 4-13-01
Bryant D. Minor, RM3, 1983 - 1985 and a few times after that. NTCC

Subic Your site is awesome. Memory Lane can be a painful yet enjoyable walk. The Apple, the Florida, the Fillmore East, and that's just in Olongapo. Blow Heaven & Jupiter in Subic City. I would be interested in hearing from anyone that remembers me, drop me line.

Posted 4-16-01
Bill Gates, San Miguel, CT2, 1962 - 64

Just want to let you know that this is one heck of a site.  You must spend about 23 hours/day on this thing.  Absolutely great!!  I was stationed in San Miguel for about a year and a half and spent many many beers in Olongapo - what a place.  I am planning on returning in June of this year (01) just to find out how much things have changed.  Fortunately I kept a few photos of when I was there - but have many more memories than photos, but wish I had taken more.  Crossroads, beer, club ORO, club RIo, beer, Victory Liners, jeepneys, beer, girls - and yes we did work some of the time.  I realize that "you can't go back", but am gonna try anyway.  The cold San Miguel, Lumpia, and the scenery will be worth it even if I am a bit (quite a bit) older now.  Thanks for a job well done.

Posted 4-16-01
Brian Olson, AMHC(AW), Retired, 1977-1999

VRC-50, Cubi Pt, was my first tour of duty.  I remember graduating from "A" school and having Filipinos wanting to buy my orders from me.  I didn't sell them and ended up doing 3 years 7 months there.  My favorite party spot was the Barrio Barretto, however, I did frequent Olongapo quite often.  I transferred in 81 and in 85 I went to the USS MIDWAY, so I ended up spending much more time there.  I married my wife there and we have been together going on 23 years now.  It's nice to visit a good site with pictures and stories that bring back many memories.

Posted 4-21-01
AC2 B.G. Howell,Jr.

I was stationed at NAS Cubi Point in the air traffic control tower as an ACAN/AC3 from 3/1978 until 7/1979.What a beautiful place--but hot.Being so young and homesick---I was ready to leave--but always wanted to return--and never did. A great website--stirs up many memories.

Posted 4-24-01
AO2 Keith Oliver, NAWMU-1, 1989 - 1991

Just found your site today. Wonderful job!  Brought back a lot of great memories. Can't get the smile off my face.  Really miss the times we had at Terrys & T's Tavern on Gordon Ave. Was stationed back in the NavMag at NAWMU-1 from 89-91. If any of the old guys come across this message, give me a shout. Would love to hear from ya.

Posted 4-29-01
Dennis Rutowski, YN1(SS), Aug '85 - Sep '86

Had a great time in the P.I.  Looking for anyone who worked at SUBGRU 7 during that time.  Had such a great time went back in 87 and got married to the Staff Civil Engineer's Secretary.  Loved the barrio most of all.  Anyone hear about a civilian working at NAVPTO Subic named Vernaluz Pugay.  This site is absolutely great.

Posted 5-1-01
PNC (Ret,) Marty P. Fenton, PSD Subic Bay, 1983-1987

I am looking for Lt Ariel Oberstein who was a Subic Bay Chaplain from 1986-1988. 

Posted 5-9-01
Joseph P. Stropole, USNS Ponchatoula, 1986

In 1986 I was an engineer on an MSCPAC Oiler (USNS PONCHATOULA) and met a girl named Zita Messiana- Always wondered what happened to her.

Posted 5-11-01
"Doc" Johnson, HM2 Subic Dispensary 89-92

Well people, this message may be out of place, however I have noticed it is coming up on the 10th anniversary of the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. The day we later all named "Black Saturday" This is to all of you past and present who share the memories. God bless you all!

Posted 5-29-01
James Hanson, AB,
USS Kitty Hawk, 65-67 USS Constellation 67-69

Greetings. I was in arresting gear, did 4 tours, had alot of fun in Subic. Never forget The "D'Wave Club Jammin with Rusty and Freddy in thier band the D'Cyclones. If anyone remembers me, please EMail me. This is a cool site. I'll never forget Subic and Olongapo. Spent alot of time there. Thanks for the sight.

Posted 6-4-01
Steve Davis
VF-194, USS Bon Homme Richard 1965 cruise

We visited Cubi Point several times on that long cruise. Subic bay was always a welcome site after spending 45 days on the line. After all the sweating out on the line that cold beer sure tasted good in Subic. This is a great site you have started, let's keep it going. If anyone remembers me, send me a line.

Posted 6-8-01
AX-1 Dale Miguel, Cubi Point, 82 - 86

I was stationed at Cubi Pt AIMD Avionics from December 1982 until November 1986. We lived to bid and tear up Subic City. I'm interested in hearing about Jeff  (Jefferson), Jack (Jackson), Stan Downey, Rick Eiskens, Rick Orr, and anyone else stationed dito at that time.

Posted 6-8-01
YN1 Mike Conroy, Ret., CTF-73, 78 - 82

Hello shipmates, If anyone remembers me or would like to shoot the breeze, drop me a line.  I was attached to CTF-73 (actually used a Guard II) from December 1978 until February 1982; used to hang out with a guy by the name of RM Willie Scott and Jim Hoogs would love to hear from them, martial law was still in effect during those turbulent times and libery expired at  12:00 midnight for those of you that remember.  Was on the Spica (the underway safeway) from October 1985 until November 1988 and hung out with shipmates by the name of Joe Schwestka, Charlie McPherson, Don E Brown to name a few.  If you're out there drop me a line shipmates.  Patwing One well, was only there for two years and change and my buds and I used to go Gordon ave and the Barrio quiet a bit, IS1 Niebergall, AW1 Connelly (who I ran in to up at Whidbey Island) when I lived in Oak Harbor WA, OS1 Anderson, OS1 Miles (who was my next door neighbor) in El Kabayo housing and RM1 Dennis (the Menace) Mitchell.  I used to call him Mitch.

Posted 6-9-01
OSC (AW/SW) Jesse Eaton USN (Ret.)
79 - 80, 82 - 83, 85 - 87 and 1989

Fantastic site....brings back memories for sure...Deployed on USS Cleveland, Fresno, Duluth, New Orleans, and Lynde McCormick, making westpacs in 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, and 89 and then getting stationed in Okinawa where the PI was a quick P-3 flight away.......ahhh the memories....cold beer, the girls, the live bands.  It didn't get much better than that ...... where have all the good times gone?

Posted 6-14-01
George J. Stewart CM-CD2
MCB2, MCB9 and AFPI, 52-53-55

Noticed only one other message from my era. We must all be dead by now.  I noticed some talk about the "shit river" I swam that stinky SOB one drunk night after curfew hours and lived to tell the tale, proving once again that the Good Lord takes care of drunks and sailors.  Back then there was an uptown and a down town area to Olongapo. Uptown was the base gate the Washington bar and a few others and down town surrounded the market area accross another creek to the east with a number of other bars. Everthing was wood structure except possibly one wall and most were single story none taller than two stories. I heard no mention of Baluts 3-6- 0r 9 days old depending how you could eat them, if you could,or shuk-tong wine which was sold in gallon jugs for 50 centavos and carried a wicked punch.

Posted 6-24-01
Eric Dytzel  IS2, 1980-87
USS Constellation, USS Enterprise

What a great website. This has brought back many super memories. I have often tried to tell my non Navy friends about Subic Bay and they think I am bull shitting them... Imagine that!!! haha.  My division used to hang out at the Star Bar when in port on both ships. It was an IS/CT hangout.  Eventually found myself most nights at the Acme Club.  I remember going out to Grande Island to kick back and relax. Nice ocean breeze and solitude for the most part.  Ah, and the massages........ enough said on that subject. Looking for anyone that was in OZ Div during 80-87 on the Connie and Enterprise.  Especially IS1 Woody Palmer.  He is the one that introduced me to Subic.  Actually a funny story.... I didnt want to go on liberty my first time.. I was scared to death..haha.  Woody got me out on the town and I was late for muster the next morning.  The rest is Olongopo history.  Once again...Great website......keep up the good work.

Posted 7-1-01
MAC (SW) Alton G. Wingate, USN (Ret.)
Facility Security Department, Subic Bay, PI., 1985-1990

Shipmates, Outstanding site! Subic Bay was quite a place as any Sailor or Marine who served there will surely tell you. I was browsing this site and I must say many memories also came back to me of my time stationed at the Facility Security Department. Many times I wonder what happened to both the (Sailors and Marines) I served with on patrol in Olongapo, Barretto, Subic City as well as the base perimeter 10-13 road, Harbor patrol, Mount Santa Rita. I tell you one could really rock and roll as a Military Policeman and at times things could get extremely dangerous.

I worked the swing shift and I remember going out to the local police station, "Station Alpha" to pick up a local police ride along for that night. When I got there I walked in the station and was told by the Desk Sergeant that my ride along was in one of the back offices and to go on back and get him. When I went into the back I saw several Philippine police Officers sitting at a desk with M-16 rifles drinking Rum 57 while one other officer was beating the crap out of a local with the butt of his rifle. I was told by one of the Officers at the desk to wait a minute and my ride along will be ready. It turned out that the Officer who was kicking the crap out of the local guy was my ride along. Many times we didn't have a choice who was our ride along.

This type of incident was among many you could witness while out at Station Alpha or Bravo. Some of the things I saw I really don't think some people would believe me. One thing is for sure, between working in town, the jungle perimeters, the Bar scene/beer/girls, Typhoons, and the damn snakes I let a changed man. To any MP or other shipmate that may have served with me in Subic please email me to say hello. It's been many years since I left Subic so any info is welcome. Remember: He who drinks the local water may spend much time in Out-house. Take Care Shipmates.

Posted 7-4-01
Ron Haun , USS Hornet CVA-12, 54 - 56

Spent many a good liberty in Subic Bay while on the USS Hornet CVA-12 attached to ComCarDivOne as a RM2. Flew from Subic Bay to Baguio City fro R&R, all paid for by Radm. Williamson for 10 days. Flew up in TBM fighters. Ron Haun Orchard Park NY.

Posted 7-5-01
Dan Clifford, 81 - 84

Looking for anyone from VAW-114 Early Warning Squadron (from '81 to '84), that deployed on the carriers USS Kitty Hawk in '81 and The USS Carl Vinson in '83.   Some great time in the P.I. huh?  Just looking to B.S. and bring up old times.

Posted 7-5-01
Paul Rhodes Richland
AO3 with VA-196 on the Bon Homme Richard CVA-31; Nam cruises 64 and 65

Just got to look at all the pics on your website....... I remember it well. My first duty station was CVA-63/Kittyhawk.....flew overseas to meet it after boot.....met up with it off Sangley point.....taking a liberty boat out to ship. Then promptly to Subic .... for my first good ole the tender age of 18(!) Man-o-man! Does a young innocent American male of 18 get indoctrinated into the ways of....."Liberty-call".....OOOOOyeah! The "Queen Bee"......the club "Oro"........."The Cave"......"Pals Inn".....where everyone catches the clap..... NOOOoooooooo.... well.....thankfully, not EVERYONE..... I was a very careful follower of our corpsmans advice under these....various...... conditions! Then to USA for AO school at NAS Jax.....then right back out to VA-196 on the Bon Homme Richard CVA-31. Two cruises: 64 and 65.....tail end of the 64 was a war cruise and all of the 65 one was. Port-o-call: Subic......Yeah man! San Magoo....will do you....... Wood carvings.....Monkey meat, monkey buy! Black velvet paintings..... World famous Dungaree Beach.....10 cent hotdogs and 10 cent beer......swim and eat dogs, drink beer......then go clean up and head in to the "Cave".....or the dozens of others....and ALL those good looking women.....OOOYummmmmm! Very fond memories of Subic! BHR was in and out of there lots of times for those two war cruises. Some of the best memories of my entire life: service days! Thanx so much for the flashback images.....sure wish I had taken a LOT more pics now.....sigh....owell. A toast:  "Heres to US......and those like US.......and DAMN FEW LEFT! (courtesy: Gardens of Stone) which I very much agree. Request permission to leave the ship? Attention to starboard! Hand salute! Tu! Carry on!

Posted 7-10-01
Wayne E. Lovison ABF-2 1964 to 1967
USS Bon Homme Richard; 1969 USS Kitty Hawk; 1972 USS America

It seems like yesterday that I was slugging away a Mr. Magoo and eating cousin on a stick.  I could never make it down both sides of the street in Olongapo.  Three days in port and back out to the line to relieve the Ranger or whomever, and in route. I think we all have the Hershey trots for a week.  Sure the gal's were real beauties back then.  But consider this - after being at sea 80 to 120 days almost anything looked great.  

I recall going to see the Righteous Brothers at the EM Club at Clark AFB.  Boy I hated that long bus ride!  It was pitch black, no street lights, a that so called road was too narrow (oh brother) and the driver drove like he had a death wish.  All those drinks, a Singapore Sling or a warm Sam Miguel and all of the laughs we had watching each other get smashed.    Wasn't it true that every time a flat top pulled in port all the prices went up? 

I recall Hong Kong, Subic Bay and Yakuska & Yokohama "wow" who could forget all the places we went to and the things we saw.  Those were the best of times.   I remembered in Subic, when we pull in, the local hunter's met the boat.  They would have their hardware laid out on the pier (all home made) and I think these were some of the same guy's McArthur hired during W.W.II?  

Well look guys, it was great.  I often wish I'd have done eight more and I would have pensioned out.  12 years is all I could do.  Peace time service just doesn't have too much interest.  All of the petty things come back into play.  Shinning bright work - yea right!   We've all got our stories we could unload (but who don't) some are outrageous (but who ain't done that) and others will bring out the tears.  There were day's on the line things got pretty rough.  The long day/night flight ops - after while - a few guy's were hurt or even lost at sea - it's difficult not think of them every now and then.  How about those pilot's!  They sure did their job.  But even some of those guys had the "willies" (who wouldn't).  Night ops brought out the most fear, and mine was walking off the end of the flight deck (fell once into the catwalk)  later I thought about being lost at sea or floating in the dark - I still get the shiver's thinking about it.   Well so much for the memories.  That's all we got left.  My regards to my Naval Bud's.

Posted 7-12-01
Ken Beeson, VU-5 and COMFAIRSWPAC, 60 - 61

I was first attached to VU-5 then COMFAIRSWPAC during my tour at Cubi Pt in 1960-1961. I was a E-3 AN. I worked at VU-5, then the "Map Shack", where all the charts and and maps were issued to the fleet. I visited Corridor Island once and I'm still in awe of it. I HOPE by now one of the Governments have made it a NATIONAL PARK of some kind. I saw my first U-2 taking off from Cubi, and none even knew it was there. That was during Laos, anyone remember that place? I'm looking for anyone who wants to chat about that era. For ALL Who Served "RIGHT HAND SALUTE"! "TWO"!

Posted 7-12-01
HMCS Dale Fraser, USN, RET.
Stationed Subic Bay Dispensary, Oct 67 - Apr 69

This is an outstanding site that brings back memories.  I worked at the Dispensary at numerous jobs including Preventive Medicine.  There are so many memories it is hard to write about any specific one.  Was there when "mojo" became popular and in fact still have my "prescription" for it.  Spent most of my time in the Oceans 11 right outside the gate listening to the "Cyclones".  Drinking buddy was HM3 Hrdlicka and others whose names I have forgotten.  I congratulate Marine Barracks during that time as I knew a number of the Marines assigned to the Shore Patrol.  They got me out of trouble several times.  Fell into love and out of love a number of times.  As many others I would love to go back to those days, but life must go on.  I did go back to Subic a number of times on board the USS ENTERPRISE CVN-65 and was T.A.D. there several other times.  Olongapo I am sure will really never change as it was a fantasy land for all those who had the opportunity of visiting a playing there.  Long live San Miguel beer (minus the hang-overs).

Posted 7-13-01
Kathy "Powell" Chitwood, DT3, Dec 1985 - May 1988
Naval Dental Clinic - Subic Bay

How about a message from a female.  We have our stories to tell also.  My friends Peggy Clark" Trudell, Sherry "Bloyd" Sheppard, Nanette "Hellman" Johnson, Terri "Jewett" Foster and Amy "Babb" Brown had a blast over there. "For different reasons than the men of course".  We never had to pay for "it".  We were pretty crazy there though.  We did things that we would never have done in the states.  We used to flash people from our barracks window.  Also, Peggy and I lived in the Chief's barracks while ours was being built and we used to get condoms from the Medical clinic and fill them with water and throw them from the balcony at the Seabees as they went by.  (Oh, to be young again).  I can remember hanging out with Marines from "A" Co.  Our favorite hangout was Rolling Stones.  We were there all the time.  One night some Filipino guys came in with guns and started shooting.  Pretty exciting stuff for us.  We also hung out at Sgt. Peppers and Cal Jam.  It sure would be great to go back there for a week if things were the same.  Anyone who was stationed with us drop a line. 

Posted 7-13-01
Richard F. Wieder, MM1/SS,
Security Force San Miguel 89 - Pinatubo then at Subic Bay til 1992

I met my wife in Subic City back in 81. Went there on so many WestPacs on different boats, then three years of shore duty there. Memories of the FRA in San Miguel and the bars of the Barrio and on Magsaysay and Gordon Blvd. So many memories of so many people and places. Your site is great and I know I'll keep coming back. Thanks.

Posted 7-19-01
Nannette (Hellman) Johnson, BU2
Facility Security Department Subic, Jan 87 - Dec 89

This is really a fascinating website my friend Kathy (Powell) Chitwood just told me about it this week. I did see the name of a guy I knew (Wingate) and I read his message. I found his story interesting and I believe it. Olongapo was quite a place. I worked the day shift at FSD and did not see much exciting activity at all, but I do remember the night life out in Olongapo. I was in the night club Kathy speaks of the night that the gun shots rang out. This was an experience I'll never forget. We hit the floor and crawled out of that place as fast as our knees could take us. I do recall typhoons, earthquakes, firecrackers being thrown at my feet by jeepney drivers, rides on Trykes and jeepnies, the bus to & from Clark and rides in Taxi's in Manila (takes your breath away!) The base exercises and base closures were always at the time I was to go on leave or be transferred. Unfortunately I did spend a lot of time in the nightclubs drinking San Miguel Beer and we did have a lot of fun there, but I also experienced the joy of becoming a Christian. I attended the Overseas Christian Servicemen's Center and an American Missionary asked me if I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart and I jumped at the opportunity. I was at a real rough part of my  life. All of the drinking, carousing, doing a lousy job at my work and on the verge of divorce had made  me feel and act like a real loser. Well my life has been really great since that day in Sept. of 1988. It is great to read your stories and I do have fond memories of Subic and the people I worked for and  with. I had a wonderful housekeeper named "Remy" Bernardino who lived in San Miguel with her very  nice family. Her husband took care of my uniforms and boots and washed my little Mazda pickup ( which  I drove for 4 more years after I got back to the states). I loved shopping there and there were some very wonderful Filipino people that I met and brought business to off base. I had lot's of clothes made there and I bought lot's of handcrafted items there and in Manila and Baugio and I have about a thousand pictures. Now I am very happily remarried (7 years now) and we have 2 very neat little kids and I have been out of the Navy for 11 years. Subic was my last duty station. Thanks for creating this website. I'll be checking on it a lot.   --- --- Gods Girl

Posted 7-20-01
AD1(AW) Dennis Jose
OMD Cubi Pt Feb 82 - Mar 85, VRC-50 (Miss Piggy Det) May 85 - Jul 88
COMASWWINGPAC Lamps Det Cubi PT Jul 88 - Aug 92

I Spent half of my Naval career there.

Posted 7-25-01
AMS2 Donald Harrison VA-93/USS Midway '82-'86 NAS CUBI PT OMD '86-'90

Just looking to keep the memories alive.  If you knew me or even if you didn't, I'm sure we went thru some of the same events together.  Spent most of my military life in subic city at Two Wheelers Tavern. (the first bar on the left as you enter subic)  if you remember Maya, an older bar girl, I was with her most of the time.  If i wasn't there, I was probably at the UA Bar on Gordon Ave where most of the airdales hung out. Irene was the psycho bar girl I hooked up with there. I am particularly looking for a friend of mine named Jim Matthews who lived in Iowa. his wife Glenda lived in Barrio. If anyone knows them or how to get in touch with them let me know!

Posted 7-26-01
Henry Cosgayon PR1 Presently with VS-21at NAF Atsugi, Ja
ABF3, April 80 - July 84, VRC-50 also PR2, Sep 88 - Oct 91, VC-5

I would like to say that the two tours I had there will always be rememberd for the rest of my life.  Along with the guys I had the privilege to work with.  I would like to hear from anyone stationed there during those times.  I will be retiring this Oct after long and exciting naval career.

Posted 7-29-01
Chris Youncmon, 77 - 79, Cubi Naval Hospital

My mother was stationed at Subic Bay from 1977 to 1979.  She worked at the Naval Hospital in Cubi. I know that she would love to hear from former co-workers.  Her name is Chris Youncmon and I believe that she was an E4 when she was there.  If you would like to contact her, email me at the address above.

Posted 7-30-01
Dan Roacho, YN3,
COMFAIRWESTPAC Det Cubi Pt 85 - 88, USS Midway (CV-41) Legal Office 82 - 85

Hello,  My name is Dan Roacho.  I am looking to hear from anyone who knew me and shared the times with. This is a GREAT site and really enjoyed the memories. Thanks, Dan Roacho

Posted 8-12-01
Bobby M. Bagos, San Miguel, 75 - 77

My name is Bobby M. Bagos SHCM, USN, retired, stationed at San Miguel from July 75 to July 77. Hoping to contact old shipmates.

Posted 9-3-01
Doug Kipps, PN3, VP-47, 73 - 74

Name Doug Kipps, PN3, who visiited Olongapo City in 73 and 74 with VP-47. Just found this website. Great work. Looking for a girl named Merly that work the bars in Olongapo.

Posted 9-15-01
Don West, 55 - 57
Crash Crew, Air Craft Fire and Rescue,

I was stationed at CUBI PT from 1955 to 1957 18 months in the in the CRASH CREW air craft fire and rescue next to air ops and the control tower would like to hear from shipmates.

Posted 9-16-01
CPO John Bray, NAVMAG, 82 - 85

Devil Dogs, I was a PO2 stationed at NAVMAG from 82-85 and am looking for an old Marine buddy of mine named Chuck Coin who was my neighbor at Baloy Beach from '84-'85. He was an E-5 then but I don't remember what unit he worked for. He was married to a Filipina, had a little boy named Chuckie and rode a Harley. As a matter of fact, he was the Vice President of the RUSH Harley club at Subic Bay. Anyone have a clue where old Chuck is nowadays? Okinawa, Japan

Posted 9-21-01
Daniel Mihaliak
USS Constellation 76 - 80, Nas Cubi PT 80 - 84, USS Midway 84 - 86

As you can see I've spent so many years in the PI. I have so many memories that it would take a book to tell about them. Just to say Magsaysay and Barrio are the greatest parties in the world. Keep this site going. I visit PI every year and believe me the girls are just as beautiful as ever and friendly too. Hope to hear from former shipmates!!

Posted 9-26-01
Antonio M. Ligaya, LCDR, SC, USN (ret.), 79 - 81

I was stationed at NSD Subic from Aug '79 until I got selected for OCS in Oct '81 ...  was then an SK2  ...  initially at the Fleet Freight/Terminals Division (Code 401) in Bldg. 1035 (NSD Compound)  ...  was reassigned to Code 105B (Customer Services) at Bldg. 248 across the Alava Piers. I must have coordinated and executed the on/off-loading of all USN and USNS ships that pulled into Subic Bay during my assignment there. Among my unforgettable memories include the load-out of the CVBGs that operated in the Gulf and in the IO during the Iranian hostage crisis, my loading of (probably) the first delivery of beer on the MIDWAY for our folks at the IO, the numerous days and nights (in all kinds of weather) either loading or unloading different ships simultaneously...  and, of course...  selection to attend OCS.   I requested for a delayed reporting date at OCS as I still had a little over a year left on that tour....  was disapproved !!!

I took the opportunity of being assigned in the Philippines a second time...   this time from late '94 to mid '97.   Was posted at the US Embassy in Manila concurrently and consecutively as JUSMAGPHIL's Comptroller, and later XO, Navy OPS for USCINCPACREPPHIL, and Assistant Secretary of the Joint Military Secretariat of the RP-US Mutual Defense Board (RP-US MDB)... This is definitely a great website ... BRAVO ZULU to the Web Master. Take care everyone !!!

Posted 9-28-01
James White, 89 - 92

My name is James White. I was stationed in the RP from May 1989 until May 1992. I worked at 800 Division AIMD Paraloft as a Parachute Rigger PR3 White. I remember Mt. Pinatubo very well. I miss all my friends who lived on 95 Iring Street, Olongapo City. God Bless You / With Love.

Posted 10-02-01
Brice Hill, Hooper DE1026 - Klondike AR22, 60 - 63

I hung at the 7th Fleet Club, Olongapo 1960-63, when I wasn't at sea on the Hooper DE1026 or Klondike AR22 spent some time there. I marred a Filipina. Be good to hear from some of the gang.

Posted 10-4-01
Mike Schwartz AD3, Cubi Point Jet Shop, 77 - 78

So many people id like to hear from, I will do my best with the names. Mike Hrivnak, Steve Bernsten, Mike Reid, Gary Arnold, Tom Knight, anyone who recognizes my name whom I did'nt mention please drop me an email. I will never forget the wild shit that happend over in the PI . I Hope to hear from any my old friends.

Posted 10-10-01
Bill Carter, 85 - 88

My name is Bill Carter.  I was a reactor operator on the USS TRUXTUN CGN-35, which made four trips to Subic during my time on board (85 to 88). I was in country when Marcos fled.    We saw many ports, but subic bay was by far and away the best.  The people I met and the places I saw will be with me in my memories until the day I die.  To all those who fell in love with Philippinas and lost contact with them, I wish you the best of luck finding them.  With any luck, we may be active in the PI again some day. God bless you all.

Posted 10-17-01
G. Brubaker, RM1, Ret. USS Yorktown CVS-10, 63 - 66

Olongapo was a blast. I never found another liberty port quite like it.  Sasebo, Japan was the best of all my liberty ports... but... Olongapo is the port that trips my memory more these days.  Ah,  to experience it just once more... unchanged.

Posted 10-19-01
Jerry Golding, ET3 / ETSN, Station Dito NTCC Subic / Cubi 1986 -1988

Great site you have here.  The pics took me back to the good old days, the days of drinking San Miguels at Mariposas... stumbling into Rufadora's... grabbing a jeepney to Barrio and / or Subic City... It would be great to hear from the old gang -  Dana "Spy" W., Ray "Kly", Keith E., Tony D... anyone.

Posted 10-26-01
SN Melissa Reese '86-'88

I was station dito from '86-'88.  I worked in the CPO Barracks in Subic Bay standing 12 hour watches, 3 days on, 2 days off.  I had a great time there, I remember my first night in town, we ate at Via's and I thought their tacos were the bomb.  Shout outs to Nina, Tami, Patty, Arthur (HM3 at the hospital), Maggie, Ziggy and all the cute guys I met, especially from Seal Team 3, USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19), USS Tarawa (LHA-1) and NAVMAG..... some like big brothers, some not (smile)......also shout outs to my favorite clubs and places while I was there- Rolling Stones (I had a running tab there, how bad was that?!?) Cal Jam, Tipplers (we used to eat french fries while guzzling cold San Miguel) and the place where I got my first tattoo but I don't remember the name.  I used to live in the apartments across the street from T's Tavern on the top floor, somebody told me that was where they shot the opening scene from Officer and a Gentleman.....I miss Subic, hope to hear from someone who was there at the same time that remembers me! Also thanks for the cool website, it's very well put together......much memories!!!! thanks

Posted 10-31-01
Michael F. Tobin DT-3 USN, 78 - 80

First of all great site!!! Lots of fond memories for me there. I was a dental tech stationed both at Subic and up at Cubi from 78-80.  I'm looking for this girl named Fay (Fe') she worked at the "Peoples Cafe" in Olongapo. I know she married a Navy man there and is living I think some where on the east coast. If anyone knows of her please e-mail me. She meant a lot to me and I just want to see how;s she's doing after all theses years.

Posted 11-3-01
Tracy Lakey,  Maiden name was Underwood, Kansas city Missouri
USS Samuel Gompers, AD37, 90 - 91

In the mid 1990's I was sent to Subic Bay to wait for my ship to arrive. The USS Samuel GompersAD37. That is when I meet HT2 Doug Searcy. I have not seen him since 1991. If he is still in the Navy I would love to hear from him.

Posted 11-21-01
AK2 Gary Park, FAWPRA Cubi Pt RP, Dec 79 to Jun 83

The time I spent at FAWPRA was the only time I spent in the Navy.  I was never on a ship.  Made a lot of friends while I was there.  To Mark Duarte, I never did re-enlist.  I think you owe me money on that bet we had. ha ha.  Hi to Roberto Reed, Vo, Frank Taylor, Larry Wright, Cmd Koeber, and a bunch of other.  And to my best buddy who I lost contact with, Greg Brigner, who served at the Nav Mag same time I was at FAWPRA.

Posted 11-23-01
Steve Globig, AMS2, AIMD Cubi PT., 87 - 90

Worked in both 500 DIV. and the Jet Shop. Would like to hear from anyone I was stationed with. Especially looking for AMS2 Keith Roland, AMH1 Dick Boettcher and AE2 Chester Sluss(VRC-50).

Posted 11-25-01
RM 3 Carl Wilson, COMUSNAVPHIL, AFPN Subic AM-1300, Jan 72 - Apr 73

Hi to all who served prior to and during martial law. COMUSNAVPHIL was Admiral John Dick. We were his radiomen and worked in the building at the waterfront with the flag poles in front. After serving 7 months in Subic, my CO let me fly home and marry my high school sweetheart. He also let her fly back with me and we enjoyed our first home at 82-C Fendler avenue, Olongapo. Thirty years later, we still remember the wild barhopping days at the Acme, D'Wave, Geisha and other clubs. Also enjoyed a little off-strip place called the Cork Room. I also played your favorites from Jethro Tull, Zeppelin, Humble Pie and others on the midnight shift on AM 1300. Still doing radio after all these years.....KLDR .com

Posted 11-30-01
Lonnie Jarrett, VC-5, 86 - 91

My name is Lonnie Jarrett. I was stationed at VC-5 from 86-91 In the airframes shop. I would like to hear from anyone with the Checkertails during this time especially airframer's.

Posted 11-30-01
Chuck Gosnell, 1981-1982

Arrived in January 1981 and stayed until July 1982.  Ran with a pretty tight crowd... Steve Lee, Jeff Aldinger, Tim Stewart, Chris Harris, Charlie Sims, Dave Dillon, Chris Callahan, to name a few.  Had some great times, though I wouldn't want to do it again.  Dropped 25 pounds during my tour.  Thank goodness for extended periods of TAD!  Retired in April 2001 in Norfolk, VA.

Posted 11-30-01
Mike Wyatt, CE-2, NMCB 74 Det, July-'87 - Feb.-'88

Would like to hear from anyone who remembers "LZ Sally's". It was 74's main hangout. Particularly would like to hear about it from Feb. '88 to the right up to the base closing. Anyone remember Thelma, Fe or Margie?

Posted 12-8-01
Bad Bob Leyman ICFN2, USS Sacramento AOE 1, 72 - 75

I know I'm not the only one from the Sac that has happen across this site. Lots of fun in PI. Also have a brother Mike that served on the Connie CVA 64, 71 to 74, like to here from you guys.

Posted 12-9-01
Fred Ferro, AB3 and MA1
OPM AFP/SP 1980, NAS Cubi Air Term 1981,
OPM MP/SP 1981, OPM K9 1982 - 1986

I worked Off base and on base. I remember the First Block Party. I had to work. What a mess. We lost everything from badges to a vehicle that night. I remember the change of Gov. and the strikes. During the strikes I was places at the Main Gate with my K9 Silver. I was thinking, what in the hell can I do with one dog and hundreds of strikers. I worked with some great and not so great shipmates. But this was the best place on earth. My days as an AFP were the best. Even after they changed are name to MP's. The Sound you would hear was AFP! AFP! They always called us AFP.

Posted 12-15-01
Bruce Ferguson, RMSN, 11/72 - 01/73, MS2, 07/90 - 01/91,
USS Durhan (LKA-114), USS Saratoga (CVA-60)

I really enjoy this great website!  I had broken service, with a ten year gap in between.  On my first tour I was an 18 year-old assigned to the Saratoga ('72-'75).  While waiting for her to return to Subic from the Tonkin Gulf, I was billeted on the old Benewah (a real s___ house of a floating barracks; sorry, Benewah vets).  The Benewah had a distinguished tour in Vietnam but by that time was in rough shape from her tour of river duty in the war.  She was permantly moored near the old go-cart track, which later became a pleasurecraft marina.  It was at this time that I became thoroughly corrupted in town and I loved every minute of it.  By March '73 the Sara was finished in the Tonkin Gulf, I thought I'd never see Olangapo again.  Although I never had a meaningful relationship there, I often lamented over the place.  My first enlistment ended in '75.   In 1985, after being laid-off several times in the civilian world, I decided to return to service.  I ended up on the Durham, out of San Diego.  We were on a WestPac and came to Subic for some yard work, so I reaquainted myself with Olongapo.  The names of the clubs had changed and most of the streets were now paved, but it was still very familiar.  I stalled going into town much since I was much older and more "mellow".  But I got tired of pulling slots at the Sky Club (though I had two favorite machines there that I could squeeze $10-20 bucks out of).  Eventually, I ventured more into town and hung out at the more laid-back Dallas Club and Sam's Roost or Tales.  Now and then the "young bucks" talked me into going to USA Rock or some skull-banger place, and then the surreal tri-mobile (motorcycle sidecar) ride back to the gate!   To make a long story short, I had some great adventures and met the love of my life.  We're still together and I thank God for her every day.  I can't imagine being with anyone else.  We hope to get back for a visit some day.   I'd like to hear from anyone from those days.

Posted 12-16-01
Jim Temple, RM2 - USS PONCHATOULA (AO-148), 1965 - 1970

I spent many, many days in Subic Bay during my time on Ponchatoula.  Our Westpac tours consisted mainly of 15 days in the Tonkin Gulf and 5 days in Subic Bay and back out again.  It was an interesting place for a young kid to grow up.

Posted 12-18-01
Steve Donner, SK3, 86-88, USS Sterett CG-31 (The First Team)

I'm looking to communicate with any of my friends from the Sterett. Subic was great!  I miss those days of DJ'n at Billboard and East Coast and playing golf at Binictican.  Look me up, I'd love to hear from you.

Posted 12-18-01
Eric Secunda, ASCOMM Det, Cubi Pt, 84 - 87, NTCC Cubi Pt, 90 - 92

I'll never forget my wonderful memories of Subic Bay. The beautiful scenery, both natural and human. I was stationed there twice between 84-87 and 90-92. Some of my favorite places were: Grande Island, with it's wonderful peacefulness, Baguio... a breath of fresh air, the exotic and hot night clubs... In Concert, Genesis, Sierra, Slims, Florida Club. Many fond memories, many friends made and a beautiful woman and companion for life, my Filipina Baby... Gildalita.

Posted 12-23-01
HMC(SW) Bryan Walker, 90 - 91

I was one of the Corpsman stationed with CSSD 35 in subic bay 1990-91 in the lower MEF camp.  I would like to hear from Sailors or Marines that were there at that time.

Posted 12-29-01
SN Joey West, Company CO 94 in Orlando, Mar 91 - May 91
USS St. Louis from June 91, until it decommissioned.
At Subic Bay twice: Feb. 92: USS St. Louis, Jan - Feb 93: USS Belleau Wood, to close base.

We were the last, along with Marines. The first time I was at SB occurred while board the USS St. Louis. At that time the town was kicking with action. Making my way to town, being able to smell the love that awaited us, the cold beer and air conditioning in the awesome bars, I remember leaving the base, going over Shit River, and being lead into a room by some young girl who was touching me - before I even got into a bar. Damb, she was as precious as a brick of gold and as hot as any girl anywhere (Just don't look at her webbed feet).

While leaving the base the 1st time, myself and SN Rudy Aleman looked off the quarter deck and I said to him "My life has changed forever." We were deck apes, so we hung around the deck most of the time. The second time I was in SB was for the base closing. I was there for one month. The town was near dead and the base was just about closed when we arrived. I was sad. Very, very sad. The first time I was there there were just so much to buy on and off the base, then, just tears the second time. It's been nearly a decade and I still miss the more than a month I was there. We also had a major fuel oil leak aboard the St. Louis, however, I was in a hotel with my sweetie pie for the night, so I was safe from the cleanup. I was getting drunk and love, and a huge hickey.

The second time I was there, my girlfriend was Jinki for the whole time. She came down to Olongapo from Angeles after Mt. Pinatubo exploded. We cried and hugged at Shit River soon before the last U.S. ship left. I could write for days on every aspect of my time there, but you all know exactly what I feel. God Bless the US.

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