1998 - Messages
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139 Messages Posted
Posted 1-17-00
AD1 Ron Maierle, N.A.S. Cubi
pt. AIMD Jetshop, DEC85 - JUN89
I was stationed at N.A.S. Cubi pt. AIMD Jetshop from DEC. of 1985 until June of 1989. Would like to talk to anyone who was stationed at the jetshop at that time just to shoot the breeze and talk about the good ole, days!
AD1 Ron Maierle U.S.N. N.A.S. Lemoore CA.
Posted 1-19-00
Capt Phil Schwab USNR-R
VF-21, USS Ranger: '73 -'75, VF-151, USS Midway: '76 -'78
Many many months in and out of Cubi and Subic - what a gas! Great picutres and memories - thanks for a walk back through the past!
Posted 1-21-00
YNCM Cal Bridgers, USN (Ret)
NavSta Subic Bay Admin Officer, Jun 88 - Aug 90
You have put together a wonderful site. The two years I spent stationed there were great but so were the years I spent going in and out of Subic Bay on "gator freighters" and coming out of MSC Far East, Yokohama to board the USNS ships.
It definitely brings back many memories of an era which will never, ever be repeated. When you say the words "Subic Bay" it brings back thoughts of Merrill Dennis at the CPO Club; LaVerne Baker at the SNCO Club; Larry Goethe, Bill McMasters, and Hank Davis of Base Security; Ron Kirk and Larry Erickson at COMSCSEA; Scotty on the many USNS ships he managed to get assigned to; my boys in Admin (Broome, Colvin, Kelley) and, of course, the famous girls of Marilyn's, the Charlie's Heaven Bar, Dale's Guys and Dolls, and Ron Kirk's Windjammer.
Posted 1-27-00
Doc Gerry Phelps, HMCM USN Ret., 59-60
Great Site and thanks for bringing back some great memories. I was stationed at Naval Hospital in and still have some great vivid memories of a place so foriegn and so far from home that became part of my life. Remember the Dispensary and the ambulance runs to the Hospital and of course the fun in Olongapo that often resulted in a hangover / Go Navy and have a Great Navy Day.
Posted 1-29-00
David Battiste, Cubi Point Post Office, 83 - 87
Hello, I am a former Postal Clerk First Class. I was stationed at FPO SFO 96654, N.A.S. Cubi Point Post Office. I am trying to locate, PC2 Wise, PC2 Alexander, PC2 Gomes, also, I lived in Mabuyan, Upper Kalakan. We were not authorized to have Citizen Band Radios, but they came in handy when we TE BAE employees went on strike. I was part of the OIC group in Olongapo. I am looking to communicate with Nazario Culang, Jr. and other members who were part of this communicatations group. My call sighs were OC 2014 Grasshopper. By the way, I was at the Post Office at Cubi Point from March 1983 to1987. Anyone out there, please make contact. Truly being stationed in the Philippines was an experience that I will never, ever forget. I married the former mary Glenda baltazar from Angeles City Pampanga. SALAMOT PO.
Like to hear from these guys.... NAZARIO C. CULANG,Jr.2016 .... AFREDO BRIONES. 2010 .... REV. Fr. POL LEZADA 2006 .... MANNY LAO 2019 .... LIZA ALBELAR 2033 .... WEI KHONG YANG 2021 .... JUN AGAPITO 2030 .... SONNY DALINDIN 2029 .... ANTHONY L..JOSE 2011
Posted 1-31-00
JAY ZERANTI, deceased, Cheryl Zeranti (wife of)
206 Vanderbilt Blvd., Oakdale, NY 11769
Looking for anyone that served with my husband, JAY ZERANTI,
deceased, Fleet Composite Quadron Five Detachment 8/26/98 -
11/2/69 for Agent Orange Claim. Working on this for four
years now -- desperate -- PLEASE HELP.
Posted 2-3-00
Rob Matthews, AK1, USN (Ret),
Cubi Pt. Main Supply, 83-86 and 90-before closing
What an AWESOME site! I've been looking for something like this for some time! I'm Rob Matthews, AK1, USN (RET). Now residing in Keller, Texas and working for the U.S.P.S. Was stationed at NAS CUBI PT Main Supply 1983-1986 and again from 1990-just before closing. Sure do miss the place. My wife, Carmen Matthews, AKCS(AW), USN is now recruiting in Dallas, Texas. If you know us, drop us a line!
Posted 2-5-00
Cliff Strumello Jr., USS Ticonderoga CVA-14, 65-67
Seymour, CT USA
I served aboard the USS Ticonderoga CVA-14 from 65-67, OP Division (AI Office) and made many liberty and official (FICPAC) stops to Subic during those 2 years. It was great to see the photos of the base and the area again. Your web site is excellent. On my way out of the Navy in 67 it was a flight from the carrier to Cubi Point and then a wild car ride to Clark AFB for the MATS flight home.
Posted 2-8-00
Donald G. Smiley, AMHC USN/RET, '67-'68 Cubi Point AMD
Thanks for putting up this very fine site. It brings up all the great memories of my stay. I am looking for AEC Charles Walt Tilton who was my best friend there. We kinda lost touch years later in San Diego, Ca. Anyone know where he is? Please contact me. Thanks
Posted 2-10-00
AD2 Robert A Lia, NAS Cubi Point,
87 to 90
AIMD 400 Division 41A,
Was wondering if there was any one left out there from the good old days of the U.S. Navy's largest Jet Shop or as we used to call it sweat shop. I miss the fun the partying and the nights I spent in the city of Olongapo and the residing areas for three unforgettable years of my life. Got to visit Subic Bay one last time in late September threw early October 1991 after the volcano eruption. In fact, I was there the day the Manila Bulletin ran the headline "Senate Rejects Treaty" which signaled the beginning of the end for NAS Cubi Point. Currently stationed at Naval Air Station Oceana Search and Rescue.
Posted 2-13-00
Fred Fernandez AKC, USN Ret., NAS Cubi Pt., 82-85
Just arrived from Subic bay 2/12/00. the former Subic bay Naval Base, now SBMA is a mess. Everything is dilapadated. The buildings we used to know are now in bad shapes. New buildings were constructed but unused. Foreign investors are now withdrawing out of Subic bay. Subic bay naval base is now hardly recognized from the US Navy days.
Posted 2-18-00
Douglas Bird, SN, Cubi Point, Air Navigation Office, 68-70
Douglas Bird, SN, stationed at Cubi Point, Air Navigation Office, Deputy Commander Fleet Air Western Pacific from December 1968 to May 1970. Our office supplied maps and charts to all Naval and Marine forces in and around Vietnam and participated in supplying mapping of Korea to Naval forces during the Pueblo incident. I'd be interested in hearing from any others stationed at AIRNAVO or from the folks we were supporting. We always hoped that you got the best service. I'd also like to see if anyone has a line on Navy patches for the base during the time period that I was there (I still have a bronze placque showing the Phillipines and Vietnam with a set of air wings and map calipers spanning the ocean between the two countries. Thanks for the site, it looks great, keep up the good work.
Posted 2-19-00
Bill Freeman, QM3, USS Rainier AE-5, 68-70
An awesome and ever improvong site..I served aboard the ammunition ship USS Rainier AE-5...spent many days and nights at Subic/Olongapo and have been looking for something about the Ammo Pier area way out in the boonies- across from Grande Island- none of the maps ever showed it. I recall it took about 45 minutes by bus to get over to the mainside. There were miles of roads winding thru the jungle past dozens of ammo bunkers. We put a link to your ine site on the USS Rainier page at You're welcome to come by for a visit. Thanks for your page.
Posted 2-22-00
AME2(AW) Jack Van Kuren, 81-89
H.B. Zachry (Contractor), 89-91
Precy Orgen Van Kuren, Cork room cellar, 89-90
This is my second year checing this awesome site on a daily basis. I guess that says a lot about what happens when you spend three years in PI. It's Great to see pics of the old stomping grounds, but what a shame to see what has happened to some of the places we spent so much time. We're hoping tp visit in the fall. Emails welcome from all who remember us or just want to reminise.
Posted 3-14-00
IC2 James Era, USS Sterett 85-88
IC2 James Era, Stationed on the USS Sterett 85-88. Looking to hear from anyone else who served with me in Subic. One other thing...I am wondering if anyone heard any talk about re-opening the Naval Base. I still have a Drink Token for T's Tavern that I would really like to use. BFH
Posted 3-14-00
Larry Iverson, 88 - 91
I was the Command Master Chief of Subic Bay from April 88 to June 91.
Posted 3-14-00
HMC(FMF) Julius D. E. Mesias, Subic Dispensary, 87 - 91
I was stationed at the Subic Dispensary from 10Oct87-03Oct91. The best duty station ever! Worked long hard hours especially with the Emergency Medical Service, but the liberty compensated very well. Good food, great beer, and wonderful people.
Posted 3-15-00
Herb Mesler RM2, 58 - 60
Stationed with COMFAIRPHIL at NAS Cubi Point. Worked some in the Flag comm office, but most of the time at the NAS Comm center in the ops bldg next to the air strip. Would be great to hear from anyone who was at Cubi in 58-60. Contact me. Regards, Herb Mesler
Posted 3-18-00
Paul Carter SM3, USS Biddle, Patient Subic Hospital
I just got to spend a couple of weeks in Subic, hospital that is. I was there in Jan. of '86. It was a great place to have a week in bed and then a week of liberty running around with the people from the hospital. There were two of us hopping around on crutches hitting the bar scenes. What a sight we must have been. Well, this is a cool site. Anyone see's this that was on the USS BIDDLE or in the hospital with me, drop me a line. I would love to hear from you. Great site guy keep up the good work.
Posted 3-19-00
Terry Schneider, 67 - 70
Would like to year from anyone that was stationed at Cubi from late 1967 to the spring of 1969 and during the summer months of 1970. I worked AMD on the AW9 benches for the (A-3) & APQ-72 (F-4B,) played baseball for the Cubi Point Flyers for two years, spent many, many nights in "town" among the locals. My rate at that time was AQ and worked along side of AT's and AE's while at AMD. Thank-you for your service in trying to contact for co-workers, liberty hounds, and baseball teammates.
Posted 3-19-00
William Bell, GMM1 (SW) USN Ret., 88 - 91
I was stationed at NavMag Subic from 1988-1991. I worked on Nabasan Wharf and then in Inventory Division. I Would like to hear from anyone who was stationed there during that time. Thanks William Bell
Posted 3-29-00
AD2 Drevecky
(Droopy), Cubi Point, AIMD jet shop, 83 -
Looking for old friends that spent time in P.I. with me. Worked in j-52 shop n-test cell. Seeing if anyone remembers liberty at mariposa's or 168. Contact me if you want to chat. Nickname was Droopy.
Posted 3-29-00
Steven Adams, USS Hancock, 74 - 75
Was aboard USS Hancock 1974-1975, worked
the hangar deck as a plane handler. Any great times in P.I.. Love
to hear from former shipmates.
A/C Training, Steven Adams, Otis Fire Department, DSN 557-4208
Posted 3-30-00
Al Collins, Medical and Dental, Cubi Pt., 67 - 68
My name is Al Collins, I was stationed at Cubi Pt. 1967-1968 and was attached to the medical/dental departments. I am trying to locate persons who were corpsman or technicians around the same time. Unfortunately I lost the majority of my photographs in a fire. I am also trying to locate an old friend Bob Spangler and his wife Chris, both were in the Navy. He was from Texas, the last time we had contact was about 1969. Chris was pregnant at the time, so I know there is at least one child about 30. If any one who was stationed at Cubi the same time I was or if anyone could help locate Bob and Chris, please e-mail me.Thanks in advance.
Ed Nelson, CT3, Naval Radio Station San Antonio, Zambales, 57 -
What a great site. Brings back lots of memories of the times spent at Subic and Olongapo. I was at Naval Radio Station in San Antonio and would like to hear from anyone who was there at that time. Also if anyone knows of any website pertaining to that base. It was a long time ago but still a great and vivid memory in my mind. Thanks Ed Nelson
Posted 4-3-00
John D. Thomas AO2, VA-212, USS Hancock
Great site, brought back many great memories. Hey, I actually liked balutes.
Posted 4-3-00
BM1(SW/AW) Todd M. Tholl, USN (RET), NAS Cubi Pt. Runway Support,
80 - 82, USS Sterett, 82 - 84
Great web site. It does bring back a lot of great memories of PI. People still don't believe the stories you tell them about being there. Looking for anyone from runway support in Cubi... and the AC Tower crew. Check put the USS Sterett. It's going to be a museum in California. I'd like to revisit where we all grew up one day. Thanks for the memories.
Posted 4-5-00
Jim Pindar OSSN, FAW1 Det Cubi Pt., 72-73
To the officers and men I served with: Hoist a San Miguel on me fella's and put it up to the light before you take a swig!. Thanks for the memories.
Posted 4-18-00
Kevin Reid, Ams1 (Retired), 1989-1992 (closing)
Subic Bay Facility Security Department (Military Police)
This is a great web site, it brings back alot of memories and good times. Every time I look at this it reminds me of the days and nights I spent chasing drunk Sailors and Marines around Olongapo, Barrio and Subic City. Oh Ya also making runs to Sandys on the way to Clark. There were also alot of hard times like the Mount Pinatubo Eruption, 1989 Coup Attempt and gate strikes along with gate closures, but with a couple of RED HORSEs or maybe a Pitcher of MO JOE and a good old grilled hamburger from the Staff NCO club girls, we survived. One last item if anyone has served at the Subic Bay Facility Security Department as a military policeman, e-mail me a. Lets get involved in this web site.
Posted 4-19-00
Jack Morris BTFN, (Buzz), USS Mount Vernon, 74-76
I was onboard the USS Mount Vernon (LSD-39) and we were put into drydock for repairs in Subic, so we were stuck there for about 70 days! What a great place to get "stranded". Lots of memories like getting into a fight with a jeepny driver at 3 am. And many hangovers, girls, and pure adrenalin excitement from that place. I will never forget it. If any of you reading this was ever on the USS Mount Vernon, we have been having some ship's reunions. Please email me back if you were from the Mickey V, even if you are not interested in a reunion.
Posted 4-22-00
Jim Klizas, Lt USNavy, NAS Cubi Pt, 69-71
Great site, I have sent this to all my Cubi friends and they are enjoying it. My group was at Cubi when "Red Horse" Myers was the skipper. We have a Cubi reunion, in Virginia, almost every year. Keep up the good work!
Posted 4-27-00
Don Taylor ABE-3, Cubi Point, 68 - 70
Was stationed at Cubi Point from Oct 1968 - Apr 1970. Worked the Shorebased Arresting Gear, Morest Crew. Lived in the quonset huts across the runway from the control tower, close to the carrier pier. Lots of memories of base and Olongapo come back when ever I check this site. Thanks much to the Marines for bringing this site to all vets. I think back to the Vejo Rum, San Miguel beer, the Cave Bar, Peoples Cafe, Alligator Pit, Pitcher of Shakemup, the unforgetable aroma of the river and the case of hepatitis which put me in the base hospital for 28 days. Would really like to link up with some of the crew (Novak, sword, McCoy, Anderson, Mattson) I know you guys are out there somewhere, drop me a line. Will check back here often to look for updates and changes to the site. Once again thanks for the great site.
Posted 4-27-00
Herb Mesler RMC, USNR, 58 - 60
Would like to contact any Radioman attached to NAS Cubi Point Base Radio, or anyone attached to COMFAIRPHIL which later became COMFAIRSOWESTPAC and moved to NAS Agana, Guam Is. I was there from 1958 to 1960.
Posted 4-29-00
NCC(SW), Robert W. "Bob" Blue, USN (still active)
Fleet Composite Squadron Five (VC-5), 81 - 82, PSD Cubi Point 82
- 85
Great memories for old sailor from VC-5, PSD Cubi Point, and WESTPAC's. I sure miss it, especially my 4 year tour in the 1980's.
Posted 4-29-00
Thomas Bowie BM3, Boat Pool, 52 - 54
After almost 50 years I still have many fond memories of my time is Subic Bay and the surrounding area. I would like to hear from any Boat Pool personnel that I served with during my time frame.
Posted 5-1-00
EOC Clyde Turner, NMCB-74 Aug82-Mar83, NAVMAG Dec85-Dec88.
Great sight. Sure brings back memories. I was on a Det with NMCB-74 the first time, and PCS'd the second. Can't wait for the coming attractions! On a different topic, I will be retiring in September of this year and am looking for the UIC rocker for Navmag (or at least Subic, to go in my shadow box. Can anyone help, or know where I can find one? Thanks.
Posted 5-1-00
Ronald Krupa, EN2, Service Craft YO's, 81-84
First I would like to thank the Marine who put this page together. A job well done. My service at Subic and the people I served with ( Navy, Marines, CB's et'al) will never be forgotten. Thanks to all. Anyone who was stationed at Navsta Subic Bay, Port OPs, ServiceCraft especially the YO's, E-mail me at the above address or anyone who wants to drop a line .
Posted 5-12-00
Allen Walker, EM1, Service Craft YTB 775, 66 - 68
I would like to hear from anyone serving in Service Craft between 1966 and 1968. I spent many happy hours roaming the streets and bars of Olongapo. My favorite hang outs were the Mona Lisa Club and the Seven Eleven Club.
Posted 5-17-00
RM3 Brian
Rudd, Cubi Pt Message Center, 67-69
Wonderful site which brings back loads of memories! Wonder what happened to Scott Jackson, Bob Welch, Engel, Willems, and other Radiomen from Cubi and Subic.
Posted 5-21-00
Eric Kemp, USS Midway, Cubi Point, 85 - 89
I was on USS Midway and also stationed at NAS Cubi Pt. from 1985-89. I am looking for a dear friend named Leony Arellano. She worked at Mercy Drugs and last I heard she was working at a Shell station in Olongapo. It would mean so much to me if I could find out how she is doing and communicate with her.
Posted 5-26-00
AC2 Bill Henry, NAS Cubi Pt., Control Tower, '75-'77
Regardless of what year we were in P.I., the profound affect the whole experience had on most sailors/marines probably ranks near the top of the list of "most memorable" experiences of a lifetime. I was "stationed ditto" as most Olongapo women called sailors who were stationed here and were around when the fleet was out, able to reap the benefits of what the mojority of the navy experienced only when their ship was in. Needless to say, living in "sin city" for 2 years has made everything since seem lacking in excitement. Whether it was: snorkling out at Capones Is., night fishing on Subic Bay, betting pesos at a cock-fight, sneaking around the P.C. after curfew, racing back to base early in the a.m. while nursing a hangover and wanting to kill the trike-driver making all that irritating nnoise, gagging on the smell of dried fish which some pilipino was fixing to eat, standing in line at the hygiene clinic knowing 3 penicillin shots had your name on them, or just picking out the prettiest girl in a club and doing what came naturally all this and much more made a memorable duty station that I would leave anywhere at this moment in time to return to without the least hesitation if the U.S. still had a presence there in Olongapo. I guess most people only dream of fantasies without ever really experiencing them, I'm glad to be in the minority on that statement.
Posted 5-26-00
Eric J. Overholt OS1, USNS Kilauea '87-'89, Port Services, '89 -
Would like to hear from any of the old running mates. Still riding Harleys and I am in Okinawa. Closest I could get and still smell the river. I retire Jan. '01. Salamat Po for the great site and fond memories. Anybody got a house for sale north of Subic?
Posted 6-5-00
John Stillwell, PC2, Fleet Mail Center, 76 - 78
What a blast. I'll never forget the times I had there. Staying up all night waiting for curfew to cease so we could hit Subic City. Wednesday night 1 dollar for all you could drink mojo at Marlyns. All night card games at Montegue's house. From the Zig-Zag ride from Clark to the day of departure I had a ball. Thanks for the memories.
Posted 6-5-00
Loren H Dudley RM1/USN/Ret.
Hi, My name is Loren H Dudley RM1/USN/Ret and I am looking for a friend of mine named "Charlie" Meece, real name is Clarence but he always went by Charlie. I served with Charlie in the Republic of Panama 1962/63/64/65. After we left I went aboard the USS Wright CC-2 and I don't remember where he went. I do recall that sometime in the future Charlie went back to the Phillippines and married a young lady there and they had a couple of children. Charlie's rate was RM1 and I believed he worked at the NCS Phillippines. Any help in locating him would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 6-5-00
Al Hedstrom, LNC, NLSO, 88 - 91
I was at Legal Services from 88 through 91 and was at COMNAVSURFGRU WESTPAC from 81 to 83. I worked with a great group of people on both tours. I would love to hear from old shipmates and friends. Al Hedstrom LNC(AW), USN (Ret.) Silverdale, WA
Posted 6-8-00
John Griffin, Bm1 USNR (soon to be ret.)
FSD , (Security Dept.) Subic bay, 89 - 92
What a place and what a website. Any of you guys wanting to make a run into Subic City/Barrio/Angeles City around the January 2001 time frame, get in touch and lets do it. And for those of you not in the know, well Angeles City is still a hot spot and doing well. Anyone not knowing and wanting info, email me. Yes, those were good times we were livin' bros. The Big Earthquake, Mt Pinatubo, The great block party's outside on Gordon Ave., The night after the Big Bang. Anyway, anyone who was there and remembers those marathon pool games in Viva Youngs or kickin' back up in the New Jersey bar during all those earthquakes after the big bang and laughin' when all the girls ran out screamin' or try'n to find a seat in slims, drop me a line and just say "what's up Grif. Take care all and may your travels someday bring you back to Magsaysay.
Posted 6-8-00
Bradfield, Brad V., 71 -72
I operated out of Subic on the USS Kansas City (AOR-3) during our first two WestPacs in 1971 and 1972. Does anyone remember a piece of steel plating with bullet holes in it that was on display in the base library at Subic? What ship was it from? I seem to remember that it was form the USS Maddux, but I've blanked since then. What happened to it? I know they disassembled the Cubi Pt Plaque Bar and shipped it to Pensacola, with the intention of rebuilding it as a display at the Naval Aviation Museum. Has that been done? HAFND! Chief Brad
Posted 6-14-00
Ken Bonsack, (former AK3), Naval Supply Depot, 56 - 58
I was stationed at Subic between December 1956 and August 1958. I would be interested in communicating with anyone who was there during this period. By looking at your web site, it appears that Subic took on a completely different look after I left in '58. I have some pictures that I took while stationed there, I'll try and locate them and e-mail them to you. They include pictures of the Naval Supply Depot, where I was stationed. The Depot together with the floating dry docks were, at that time, the most important logistical reason for the base. To reiterate what you have said and hinted at - the greatest years of my life were enjoyed at in the P.I. and in particular at Subic. Yes, I too fell in love; however, not to one of the working girls in Olongapo, but to the Executive Secretary to the Director of the Supply Depot. (by the way, when was the name changed to Olongapo City?)
Posted 6-15-00
FCSN - FC3 Michael Otto
USS Kirk FF-1087, 85 - 87, USS Sterett CG-31, 87 - 89, FC1 - USS
Austin LPD-4 (1997-present)
I would like to find people that were stationed with me while in Subic Bay. I left my heart in Subic, but brought a wonderful Filipina home to the states with me. I assume most guys that were stationed with me are out of the Navy or retired by now.
Posted 6-17-00
Tim Smith - SN/PO3 NAVCOMSTAPHIL, 66 - 68
During part of my tour at San Miguel, I was the sports editor of the base newspaper, The South China Sea Sentinel. Had the pleasure of meeting a journalistic colleague who was a staff writer for the Subic base newspaper, The Subic Bay News (I think that's what it was called). His name was Teddy del Rosario I think. If anyone knows of Teddy or where he might be after all these years, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Posted 6-18-00
Kerry McCormick, Cubi Pt., 81-82
I was stationed at Cubi Pt. in 81-82 as a mess management specialist, and I worked with a guy named Chico Jimenez who worked primarily in the flight deli. I believe he married a Filipina named Fay. He also drove a black Chevy pickup. I was wondering if anyone out there might have any information on where I might find him ? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 6-20-00
Colin Smith, PN1, USN Retired, 82-83, 84-86, 90 - 92
I was lucky enough to be stationed in Subic Bay for 3 separate tours. 1982-83 at CTF 70/77 (Carrier Group Five) working out of the 2nd deck of the Cubi Ops building, then again from 84-86 at the PSD Subic main side --located behind the old "COMMUNIST PHIL HQ building, and then again from 1990 - 92 at PSD Cubi Point. I retired in 1998 and would love to hear from any of my old "steamin" buddies, former barrio runners -- or the hard-core Subic City runners. I used to rent a house in Barrio -- down Rizal Street behind the old PC compound, so I never had too far to "crawl" home. This web site is tops in my book -- and really brought back some GOOD memories! Keep it going.
Posted 6-21-00
Wayne Strode, (Porky)
I was stationed in Subic Bay and was on the yo's. Please contact me. I was thier from 1981 to 1983. I really enjoyed my stay there and I learned alot from a lot of people. I partied with the best and lost like the rest, ha ha. Drinking mojo and chasing woman, so please contact me if anyone was from the yo's or tug boats. I was also known as porky!!!
Posted 6-21-00
HM2 Joseph "Doc"Johnson, (aka Swabmaster) Subic
Dispensary, 88-91
I was infatuated with Subic when I rode thru on the USS Fresno during WESTPAC 88. Got this crazy idea to ask my detailer for orders there. The fresh smell of the Sampaquita flower or freshly baked Pandesal, hmmmm. OK, enough Brady Bunch mush. Best duty station ever. Thanks to the sailors of the early years to keep the way paved for us. Thanks to the guys I learned from, Julius Mesias, Robert Brown, Juan Walker, Willie Wilson, Eric Groetz, Harold Harbin, I can go on. Tabingo, Drumm, Lopez (a joke for sure). I had some close calls but left the Mojo and Bullfrog alone except on the wild nites. I preferred Carlsburg over San Magoo and Red Horse. The only place I know where I can buy A cigarette by a stick and soda came in a plastic bag. To my long lost short times.........THANK GOD AND THE NAVY FOR CEFTRIAXONE AND TROJANS! Now bend over and pay homage to the man known as 'THE SWABMASTER."
Posted 6-22-00
Hugh Carpenter, Cubi Jet Shop, 88 - 91
I was stationed at NAS Cubi Point Jet Shop from January 1988 till January 1991. I worked in the Test Cell, mainly on the T56's. I am looking for anyone who was stationed at the AIMD Jet Shop during that time.
Posted 6-22-00
Aaron Houston LTJG USNR, DCA & NTDS Officer
USS Sterett 90-93
Great Site... I remember OSC Wright!! (see earlier posts). Very Fond memories of Subic. Thanks for keeping up this site. Hope all my former shipmates are doing well!! Aaron Houston, San Jose, Ca
Posted 6-25-00
Bill Penrod, USS Sanctuary 69-70, USS AJAX 74-75, Okinawa, Japan
78-82 and 84-85
Subic Bay, Philippines was, is, still the greatest port any sailor could ever hope to to hit. The California Club was my hang out but it was burned out in the early 70's. Spent many a nite at New Jolos. Best food at Peoples and Susan Places. Had great R & R to the Falls, Bagio City and of Manila. If any of my shipmates are around --Pretzel, Tee, Gary Coleman, John Pepper, Benny Ragusa give me a shout ! I'm still married to my first and only love, Lydia, my Filipina girlfriend for 30 years. Bill Penrod, HMC,FMF,USN, RET
Posted 6-26-00
Colin Smith, CTF70/77, 82-83, PSD Subic 84-86, PSD Cubi Pt.
I just keep returning to this site time and again....Does anyone remember a bar that used to be out in Bo. Barretto called "Fafa Popes" - I believe it was owned by a guy named Tom Pope and later by a former JAG officer - Terry Woods. Anyone remembering this bar and any of its employees -- Please shoot me an email!
Posted 6-27-00
Bill Haug, IC2/SS. USS Grayback SS-574
Stationed Subic Bay, 82 - 84, USS Darter SS-576, Sasebo Japan 84
- 86
Just hoping to contact anyone who might have been stationed on board both subs at that time.
Posted 7-1-00
Monty Moncrief ETR2
USS Paul Revere '61-'63, USS Kitty Hawk '66-'67, Univac Tech Rep
'68-'71 at Subic
I enjoy this sit very much!! Keep up the good work. I fell in love with a very nice lady from Olongapo, we have 38 years of good life!!! We were in Olongapo in May, it sure has changed. We went on the base to look around. the buildings are in bad shape as if no one maintained them. If any one I work with wants to chat, send me a line.
Posted 7-3-00
DM2 James R. Lopez., USS Bristol County (LST-1198)
Seabees, ACB-1, 78-79
This is a fantastic! Brings many memories when I performed a WESTPAC in 78-79. I was attached with ACB-1. Enjoyed the culture and at the same time the people. Would like to here from my old shipmates and friends. James R. Lopez. DM2, USNR. Houston, Texas
Posted 7-3-00
Belcher, Ronald A., Radioman 2nd Class, San Miguel, 85 - 87
Belcher, Ronald A., Radioman 2nd Class Stationed at NavCommStaPhil, San Miguel from 1985 to 1987. I had a great tour of duty there and remember everyone and everything like it just happend today. IF there is anyone who wishes to email me or contact me on ICQ (7577907), please do! I remember Bigfoot Bar (most especially), and the FRA (God Bless the FRA!). I stayed in San Antonio in a great rental apartment with my gal (Elizabeth "Baby" Gavino) whom I met at the Bigfoot Bar. We've gone our seperate ways, but she will always be family!
Posted 7-4-00
Al Yelle, Uss Bullwheel, Radioman, 46 - 47
I was assigned to the USS BULLWHEEL YO-46, Operating out of Subic Bay. I was there from 1946-1947 aboard the Bullwheel as a radioman. Would like to contact fellow shipmates, if any are still around. Contact AL YELLE, 6 Dennett St, Amesbury, MA 01913. Or via the web.
Posted 7-4-00
Steve Toffelmire PC3, U.S.S. Constellation (CVA-64) 72-75, TAD
FPO 96650, Subic Bay 73
Great web-site!! I've been reading the messages and I've got the damn goose bumps. Of all the places the Connie took me, I guess hands down my time TAD at the Terminal Navy Post Office 96650 ranks as one of the highpoints in my life. I met some really great people there and it doesn't seem possible that this many years have passed. Anyone remember PCC Kyle (heard he got killed in Subic City?),,.. Frank Hill, Rashed,... Sams... Luce... Rogers... damm it's been too long!!! They had us in a Barracks by the PO club... on the bottom floor. Think there were Sea-Bees in the middle??? Crazy times... Zumwalts Navy... Martial Law... Hiding from the Constobulary... gettin caught by the AFP's... East Bajac-Bajac... staying away from the jungle! Shore Patrol... then having hand marks on the fly of your whites... Anyone know of anyone mentioned, e-mail me. I plan on going back soon so if anyone wants to go, holler.
Posted 7-6-00
David A. Sherer, AT1 (Ret.), Fort Worth, TX
Just found this site the other day, you have done a great job of showing the past with the new. My name is David Sherer, AT1 (Ret.), I was stationed at VC-5, AT Shop/Drug and Alcohol Abuse Advisor from 1984 to 1987. Was on the Midway from 73-76 (AIMD,IM-3) and 81-84 (VF-161), then on the Ranger from 87-90 (AIMD, IM-3/QA), so PI is my home away from home. Would sure like to hear from some of the old shipmates. I new a guy by the name of John, and wife Medi, owned the Oak Harbor Tavern out in the Barrio, is he still around? Good job on the web site. Thanks for the memories.
Posted 7-8-00
ADJ3 James H. Chapman, Jr., 70 - 72
I was at the N.A.S. Cubi Point, T-58 Jet Shop 1970 - 1972.
Posted 7-8-00
Ray & Joy Shepherd, NTCC Cubi Point, 79 - 82
Hello. Ray & Joy Shepherd here. We are looking for our friend "Letty Austria" from our time in the Olongapo City area 1979 - 1982. I was in and out of Subic Bay 1977 till my tour there in 1979. We left Subic in Dec 1982 and this was the last time we saw or heard from Letty. If anyone knows her or of her whereabouts, please give us a holler. I was stationed at NTCC Cubi Point: October 1979 - December 1982.
PS: Thanks for the great web site. I come here often to reflect back to remember the good old days when we were younger and.... oh well, I am sure you get the picture and have lived them yourselves.
Posted 7-11-00
James Mcpherson, OSC(SW) Retired
CTF-70/CTF-77/CCG-5 Oct 88 - Jan 90
USS Sterett (CG-31) Jan 90 - May 91
Mabuhay. First went to Subic in 1978 and then got lucky with Stationed Dito orders for awhile. Hey, it was sea-duty. I'd never live through shore duty. Looking for that crazy IS1 I was stationed with on staff duty. And who could forget "3 Knot Plot" on the Sterett and his ability to really make our lives miserable. But there was always Subic to come home to. Take it easy and remember to have your off-base pass with you when you check in at the bowling alley.
Posted 7-11-00
Charles Johnson, AC3, Cubi Point NAS, 63 - 65
My name is Charles Johnson, I live in Fort Worth, Texas. I was an AC3, stationed at Cubi Point NAS from 1963-1965. I would like to hear from anyone who worked in the control tower or GCA unit at Cubi during this period. I just stumbled onto this website tonight by mistake, and boy does it bring back memories, especially Olongapo...great site.
Posted 7-14-00
Steve Gagne, LT/6110, NavSta
72 - 76, OPM/K9 OPM/US Miltary Customs
91 - 92, Service Craft Officer/Port Services Office
For you trivia buffs who have been searching high and low for the answer to, "Who was the last USN person to leave Subic Bay upon closure on November 26, 1992?" I can honestly say it was me. After the USS BELLEAU WOOD departed with the staff of CINCPACREPHIL and Admiral Mercer, I as the port operations officer was tasked with making a final trip throughout the waterfront to ensure no floating assets were left behind. At 1635H, 26 NOV 1992 aboard the commercial harbor tug Karabao as we were outbound and passing abeam of Sampaloc Point heading for Manila, I broadcast a message to the Philippine Coast Guard Station Olongapo via VHF Channel 16 that the last US naval person was securing from duty at Subic Bay. Five days later on December 1, 1992 I also secured from duty and retired. I have remained here ever since. For those of you who truly enjoyed your duty and liberty it would bring a tear to your eye to see what NAVSTA and NAS have turned into.
Posted 7-14-00
Jimmy Hanson, 65 - 69
Greetings, I got to this site by just surfin the web. Great job. I served aboard the USS Kitty Hawk and the USS Constellation from 65-69. Went to Olongapo many times and had a great time. There was a Club in Olongapo called the "D Wave that had the best band. I often wonder what happened to them guys. The name of the band was D"Cyclones. Maybe someone out there knows what happened to them. Also hope to find some of the friends I made there. Thanks for any info you could give me.
Posted 7-17-00
MS2 Paul Ericksen, NAVSTA Subic Bay 89 - 92
Night Baker at the galley, BAQ, a few months of FSD Customs. Oh, how I remember those days, the good and bad. The base closures during the base talks, the curfews, the "Earth Quake", Mt Pinatubu, even the Marcos-Aqquino mess. Playing golf on base, sneaking girls to Grande Island, going into town after baking all night, at 5 A.M. having a few cold ones and going back for Quarters. Anyway... after the eruption of Mt Pinatubo, AFRTS made a video of the before and after on base. If anyone has a copy of this I would like to get a copy.
Posted 7-17-00
Ken Estes (PH2) 56 - 62
Stationed aboard USS RANGER CVA-61 May 1959 when we anchored in Subic Bay. I spent one day on liberty (which was thoroughly enjoyed) and one day/night assigned the Shore Patrol keeping the drunk Sailors and Marines around Olongapo from changing the sex of the "Benj Boys". Now involved in saving the Ranger as a museum ship, please drop by our web site:
Posted 7-18-00
Dale Smith SK3 USNR, 78 - 81
I was statoned in Subic/Cubi and San Miguel from early 78 til 81 as a Support Storekeeper for the NTCC and NavCommSta San Miguel. I would be interested in hearing from anyone there during this time period to share memories. This site is the best I have found and my wife (a filipina) and I enjoy it very much. Please email me with your memories.
Posted 7-22-00
STG3 John V. Muhle, FSD (Security) Cubi Point NAS, 5/88 to 5/90
Would like to hear from some of my old buddies from Cubi. Anyone remember the typhoon party of 89? Any of the old R.U.S.H. members out there? Scooter, how many chicken steps is it from two-wheelers to the end of Subic city and back?
Posted 7-22-00
Rich Ellis CTR 5 San Miguel 66-68
What a flood of memories when I found this site. My wife and I lived just outside Olongapo in a town called Kalakalan. There were numerous Americans, saliors and marines with families in this town. It was located just on the outskirts of the city of Olongapo. We communted every day we had duty to San Miguel about a 45 minute ride. I would be interested in hearing from anyone stationed at San Miguel during 66-68 or from those who were in my detachment while in Nam. Det bravo Big look spooks. 67-68. Look forward to hearing from someone.
Posted 7-22-00
Nick Goodpaster, YNCS (Ret), NCSP 70-71, NSD Subic 73-78
Congratulations on a great web site. I was fortunate enough to spend almost 7 years in the PI. I was hooked from the moment I walked into the Zanzibar on my first night. Who could forget warm San Miguel beer, monkey meat on a stick, butterfly knives, the Crossroads in San Antonio, White Rock Beach, brown outs, cinderella liberty, martial law, pre-martial law, express jeepney rides to Subic City, riots in the Jungle, banca boat girls, smile tables at the East End club, custom made ditty bags, rainy seasons, fast pitch softball, merchandise control cards, and the music of the 70's. The formative years indeed!
Posted 7-23-00
OS1 Kevin Shopshire, USS St. Louis (LKA-116) , 76 - 78
What a great web site. I was 17 when I landed in P.I., and I had really never been away from home before. I literally grew up there.
Posted 7-26-00
Bob Yeaman GMCS USN Ret. Naval Magazine 1967,
Grande Island Master At Arms, 67-68,
Naval Station Master At Arms, 1968,
Naval Station Master At Arms, 70-71
Nice site has a good time while stationed there and also passing through on ships.Anyone that knows me give me a message. Thanks.
Posted 7-27-00
Nick Strovers, VC-5, 84 - 87
Howdy, My name is Nick Strovers, I was stationed at VC-5 from 1984 thru 1987, checked into the squadron as an airman recruit, left as a third class. Had some of the best times during my stay there and if I had it to do it all over again I would have tried to stay longer. Man those are some good memories! Anyway I am stationed in AIMD Norfolk VA.
Posted 7-27-00
Joe Daly, MACS(SW), USN RET AK3---VC-5 Det Cubi 74 - 76
COMUSNAVPHIL Security Det 89 - 92
USS Fox CG-33, USS Fresno LST1182, VAW114, NAVSTA
Keflavik Iceland
Spent some of the best and worst years of my life in Subic! Even the worst years were great! I see a few people that I remember have visited this site. Would be happy to hear from anyone who remembers me. If anyone has any videos during and after Pinatubo I would appreciate hearing from you.
Posted 7-27-00
Bob Sankey, USS Mount Hood
My name is Bob Sankey, I was stationed on the USS Mount Hood. We were in Subic Bay for the last 11 months of the Vietnam War. Truly I say, if I lived to be 125 years old, I will never forget the memories in Subic Bay. I now live in Denver, Colorado with my wife and 2 children. If anyone out there knows me, I'd love to hear from you.
Posted 7-30-00
Nick Napzok, 65 - 68
Hello. My name is Nick Napzok and I was a sailor who made many visits to Subic Bay and Olongapo from early 1965 to late 1968 on the 2 ships I served on, the USS Jason (AR-8) and the USS Falgout (DER-324). What a great site this is! It brought back so many happy memories to me. The Jason was a repair ship and was stationed there for about 5 months in '65 so I had plenty of time to learn about life in the Phillipines. For a small town boy from Iowa, this was pure culture shock. Some of my most vivid memories are of the mostly friendly inhabitants of Olongapo. I soon learned to steer clear from the ones whose only purpose was to separate me from the pesos in my wallet. I remember crossing the stinky "Shit" River to get into town and all the shoeshine boys who wanted to sell everything including their mothers or sisters, heh heh. Other memories include monkey meat on a stick, the D'Crown club where I met a girl who was my steady squeeze everytime I was in port from '65 until my last visit in '68, ice cold San Miguel which tasted great on a hot day, drinking Mojos which would knock you to your knees real quick, eating dried fish, pancit and LOTS of fried rice, riding with kamikaze jeepney drivers, getting chased all the way to the main gate by a butterfly knife swinging Filipina whom I had stood up for a date, riding in the "cattle cars" back to the ship and many, many other memories too numerous to mention here. Thanks for bringing back these memories of those wild and wooly days and nights in the P.I. I'll be visiting this site from time to time to check out all the good stuff here. Smooth sailing to all.
Posted 8-1-00
Sam Smitherman, 90 - 92
I was stationed at NTCC Cubi PT from 8/90 to 8/92 as an RM2. I got out of the Navy in 1994 and now live in El Paso, Texas. I still work for the govt. as an INS inspector. I would appreciate any correspondence from anybody who worked at the NTCC between 1990 and 1992. I would also appreciate correspondence from anybody who served on the USS Gridley CG21 between 1987 and 1990. Your website brought back many memories. Thanks!
Posted 8-1-00
AMH-2 John D. Brandman, 72 - 73
Sect/Treas of the USS Saratoga Reunion Assn CV3/CVA/CV60
Was there in Subic Bay with the Saratoga CVA/CV60, Attached to RVAH-1 Smoking Tigers RA5C'S Vigilanti, the Big Birds. 1972-1973. The only West Pac trip the Saratoga ever made. We were in and out of there for 8 months. Remember when we had to pull up anchor and rode out a major typhoon. We spent 4 days at sea in a convoy before we could come back and get the rest of the ships crew. First time I got there, zig zaged my way to the Circle and back to shit river, looking for the coldest San Miguel beer. Never did find it but had a blast looking for it. Still have dreams about the place. The UA club to the right just after the Bridge was where we all hung out. It was easier to get to and back to the base when needed. Paulines, Old west #1, Changrala, Zanzabar, there were too many to get to and too many to remember. It was like home, always ready to come back and glad to be there. Great site, brings back a flood of memories. Its like I just left the place and I'm ready to go back. Can't forget those words, Buy me drink!!!
Posted 8-3-00
James Gomez, NTCC, 1983
I was in the OI July 31, 1983, stationed at NTCC Subic Bay. Then I went to the USS Sterett (CG-31) Guided Missle Cruiser from 1986 thru 1988. I cruised to Japan (Sasebo), Hong Kong, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Seoul, Pusan Korea, Pattia Beach Thailand, Singapore and loved traveling all those countries, especially Olongapo. I would like to know what happened to all my shipmates.... RM2 Manny, RM2 James Beard, RMSC Harnett, RM# Griffin, RM3 Greene, RM2 C J Johnson, RM2 Kepp, RM2 Keith, RM1 William and all the others. I hopw somebody remembers me. Yours truly, RM3 Gomez, AKA Jamester, presently in the California National Guard, Los Alamito as a personnel Administrative Specialist. Thanks PI
Posted 8-9-00
Robinson US Navy ENFN,
Boot Camp - Great Lakes 72
EN-A School - Great Lakes 72,
Stationed Subic Bay Nav-Sta from 73-74
USS Blue
Ridge LCC-19 74-75
USS Samuel Gompers AD-37 75-76
It's nice to see such a site. I can hardly believe a Marine is responsible for it, just kidding. Good Job! I would like to find a friend of mine I haven't seen since the Navy, Ron Brown, went to Boot Camp, Class A School, and Stationed at Subic Bay with him. I would like to hear from anybody else I know also. While in Subic I was attached to Boat Pool, on PBR's, great job, great memories. Got married to a pilipina, and it's been happily ever after. We went back to visit in 93, unbelievable changes, had a great time with family. I have a lot of pictures of the Pinitubo devastation, and a video also. Ron, you out there? Write me.
Posted 8-11-00
PN2 Ed Armstrong, USN, PSA Subic Bay Nov 83 to Nov 87
Use to be stationed at PSA Subic Bay enjoying life. Met a lot of people through my involvement with high competitive softball playing. Remember the Bar leagues, Intramural and Captain Cups. We always got there to the Captains Cup with NSD but lost to VRC-50 all the time. Remember playing on the Varsity Squads with JJ Johnson, Red Spatz, Jessie Blankenship. Enjoyed working with Chris Gellings, PNC Patterson and the rest of the crew. Had good times going out with Jack Mapes, Marty Feltman and many others. Anybody remember me, be an sure to e-mail me. Also, Hey Mister Felhafer you better e-mail me.
Posted 8-11-00
Stephen Voloshin, USNR SN3, USS Diamond Head (AE19)
We were on a West Pac cruise from May of 19657 to Nov 67. W ould like to hear from anyone who was a shipmate on "the dirty d"from that time period or anyone who remembers the Empire Club. This is a great site and I really brings me back to a unforgettable time.
Posted 8-14-00
OS3 Robert Kennedy, Patwing 1 Cubi Pt. (flight line) Mar 88 - Mar
Man. who can forget the PI. Two years shore duty right out of OS "A" school. You know I was hated. But at first I didn't know why. As soon as my Chief picked me up from Clark AFB and took me to Blow Row, I quickly found out why I was hated. This was definitely the best times of my life. Magsaysay Drive all night long. Subic City (samples). Creeping on Gordon Ave. and in the Jungle. When we couldn't go out in town, Barracks 1 (the Navy chicks)! The Billboard, East Coast, Rolling Stone, Forida - Ah Man! Before I moved out in town, I lived at Barracks 29 in Cubi. If you were there, you know what I mean by, words could never describe the times!!!! I remeber Pancit Conton, the meat on the stick, Banana ketchup, Calimari, Grande Island, the Jeepneys to Subic City, the Victory Liners, the smell crossing the bridge at the main gate, the Red Horse and San Miguel, and never will I forget the women. Oh how I miss P.I.!!!!!!!! One love to everyone there with similar experiences. Anyone wanna chat, just hit me up.
Posted 8-16-00
RMC Donald Cole, USN (Ret)
Spent many a liberty in good old Subic Bay. Seems like I was stationed there as the Ships I was on was there so many times. The USS Woodpecker MSC209 and the USS Annapolis AGMR1 spent a lot of time in the Olongapo city. I loved every minute of it as I fell in love many of times. I'm still in love with the liberty I think just too old now to really enjoy it.
Posted 8-17-00
FN Rebecca Nickerson, 82 - 83
Subic Bay NavSta, Port Ops, Boat Pool and Tug Boats
I have posted here before. I am wondering where all the Navy women of Subic are? I remember Laurie Clarke, Rhonda Counts, Susan Van Winkle, Betty Brown who was on Tugs with me, Robin who worked in the Post Office and who married a Filipino, just to name a few. I would love to hear from any of you who were there, male or female. As a female, life in Subic was different from the men. It was strange being one of the few "round-eyes" around. I had many male friends who treated me with respect, kinda like a younger sister. They would do anything to protect me and often walked me back to my barracks after a few too many San Miquels or glasses of mojo! I have some great memories of swimming off the side of the Tug while waiting for a ship to come into port for us to "park" it. I remember taking a trip with my tug crew to Corrigedor during Christmas. A lot of American history there. I remember sneaking into the men's barracks and being scared of getting caught. I remember going to many weddings. I remember being the American godmother to a little girl. The day I flew out of the Philippines was the day that Benino Aquino was shot. So, many memories!
Posted 8-17-00
MSCM(SW/AW) Robert Corkish
U.S. Naval Link Station, Mount Santa Rita
June 1985 - December 1988
I was stationed on board USS MIDWAY (CV-41) from December 1981 to June 1985 and at NAVLINKSTA Mt. Sta Rita, RP from June 1985-December 1988. In my single days I used to hang out at the Missouri Bar and Green Garden. I am currently stationed on board USS KITTY HAWK (CV-63) in Yokosuka, Japan and frequently take leave and visit Subic. I would like to hear from anyone who may have been stationed at Mt. Sta Rita or frequented the Missouri Bar or Green Garden during the same time frames I was there.
Posted 8-21-00
William R. Shepherd, USSN CA-148
Newport News E-1 service, July1972- Feb.1973
Great site hope to hear from people from those good old days. Love you no bullshit buy me main gate.
Posted 8-21-00
YN1 D. Earl Harrell, USN (Ret.), Ship Repair Facility
(Admin Dept), Subic Bay; Aug 87 - Oct 90.
This Website is absolutely phenomenal!! Not only does it permit personnel who have been at Subic Bay to reminisce of the "old days" but also to contact buddies which have not been heard of for ages. Surfing through those who have posted messages I discovered a fellow sailor who was stationed in the same squadron and on the same ship I was on in 1972!!
During my tenure at SRF Subic Bay, I participated in numerous straight-pool tournaments. Highlights and achievements are: 1988 - 1st Place in Captain's and Admiral's Cup and 4th Place in Southern Pacific Championship held at NAVSTA Guam. 1989 - 1st Place in Captain's and Admiral's Cup and 1st Place in Southern Pacific Championship held at NAVSTA Guam. 1990 - 1st Place in Captain's and Admiral's Cup (transferred prior to Southern Pacific Championship). Overall achievements: Fifteen 1st Place straight-pool plaques.
Am interested in contacting Marine Bob Herring who accompanied me on the trip to Guam in 1988 and anyone who was on Tom Myers' 8-Ball team (Rock Lobster, Barreo Baretto) during 87-90. Also, have sought for the past seven years to locate the "Subic Bay News" and "Ship Repair Facility" newletter archives. Anyone know where these are or who might be a good contact to locate them? Once again, is an awesome sight and have placed it on my permanent list to review inputs. Thanks!!
Posted 8-22-00
Ridge Crouch AO-2
NAS Cubi Pt. Armory Oct.67-July 69
What a terrific website for those of us who had the good fortune to be stationed at Cubi Pt. in the late 60's. I was assigned to NAS Armory, which had to be the greatest duty station in the Navy. I'd like to hear from some of the guys who served under Gunner Morrato and Chief Bibbey. They would go off diving for seashells in the bay, and we would ride around the Naval Magazine chasing monkeys with the pickup truck. When the CO would come around (not often) we would go down to the beach and throw stones at the snorkels to warn the Gunner that he had to get back-quick. In return, the Gunner ran a very loose ship. My two running mates were Rick Herriot and Mike Johnston. I cannot even begin to describe the hedonistic lifestyle and cast of characters we encountered. I've often thought of writing a book about some of our adventures, but it would be in the Fiction section of Barnes & Noble, because nobody would believe it to be factual. I enjoyed reading your postings as they brought back so many memories. I was a regular in D'Wave Club, and like many others, fell for a beautiful girl named Helen. We lived together for more than a year, and I can visualize her as clear today as if she were next to me now. I transferred to USS Enterprise right at Subic in July, 1969, and can remember the day that the outline of the PI disappeared over the horizon from the flight deck. My heart was broken, and I've never been back. Please contact me if you have similar stories.
Posted 8-23-00
Fred O'Neill DCC Ret., Retired 3-22-72 (HTC)
USS Falgout DER324 60-62, USS Dixie AD14 63-66,
USS Bausell DD845 66-69, USS El Paso LKA117 69-72
Oh what memories Subic Bay reminds me of...Every ship I served on, on the West Coast, visited Subic and the Shipmates I went ashore with were as thrilled as I was, every time we hit the beach. One of my fondest memories was the crossing of the bridge over (shit) river and the little boys who dived down into the water to fetch a coin you tossed over the rail. That river was so cruddy, it wasn't a rare site to see a human body floating in it. The Olongapo Police were a life savor for a lot of drunken sailors who were in places they should never have been. If any of you oldsters remember me, I'd like to go over old time with you.
Posted 8-26-00
OS1 Anderson USN Ret, 80 - 84, 89 - 92
Pat Wing One Det Cubi Point NAS
was stationed at PATWING ONE DET CUBI POINT NAVAL AIR STATION from March 1980 thru 1984 and again from February 1989 thru 1992. This is an excellent website, looking at some of the photos takes you back to a time of fun and good times. I also had the opportunity to be on board the USS Belleau Wood which was the ship that officially closed and turned over the the bases. My wife and I hope to visit the Philippines some time next year. Well fair winds and followings seas to both active and retired shipmates
Posted 8-26-00
George G. Ortiz, PH-1, 74 - 76
Cubi Point, Fleet Air Photo Lab
I want to say Hi to all who served at Fleet Air Photo Lab, the Audio Visual Center Philippines, and to any photomates who wish to contribute to Jim's web site. I wish to send my regards to Chaplain and Mrs Keenan (1974-75) Cubi Chapel, Chaplain Chamberlin and his wonderful family (1975-76) Chaplain Stanton, Chaplain Mulqueen, and the parish of the old Cubi Chapel. Olympia Reyes and Her great family. Members of the S-2 squdron of VS-37 especially Louis Breaux from Louisiana. Members of Cubi Flightline and the Honorable member of the United States Naval Photo Community. I salute you all. My greatest regards goes to Maritess Bayani from San Fernando, Pampanga. I loved you more than you will ever know Tess. Let me know how you are doing. Sincerely, PH1 George G. Ortiz, USN, USNR (A.K.A. Jap)
Posted 8-28-00
M. D. McConnell (DOC) AX-1 '72,73, 75 Cubi Point VP-9
USN Retired.
The place I was to hang out was the UA Club on Gordon Street. Also for you old timers, I'm Mumble's Qualed. Had great times in the PI. Was sorry to here about the closing. Well, time for a San Magoo, see ya.
Posted 9-1-00
Emmanuel Vergara
I'm an '88 recruit from Olongapo and have never, and will never get stationed at Subic Bay. Doing my second shore tour right now, which could have been a "Station Dito" one, if Subic Bay hadn't shut down. I envy you all!
Posted 9-5-00
BM1 John Griffin, USNR RET.
USS Meyerkord FF-1058, 77-81, USS Fresno LST-1182, 83-87,
B.U.D.S. 87( January-June), USS John Young DD-973, 87-89,
FSD Subic Bay, 89-92, USS Downes FF-1970, 92,
N&MCRC Las Vegas 92-RET.
Any one stationed on these ships or in subic during these times feel free to drop me an email and say "what's up Griff". You all know my thoughts on Subic. I would trade where I'm at right now for the time I was stationed in Subic on a moments (seconds) notice and who of you wouldn't...... None!!!
Posted 9-5-00
ETR2 Albert M. Serafine, USS Hector AR-7, July 66 to Sept 66
I was in Subic only a short time stationed on the USS Hector AR-7. I am trying to locate someone who may have taken some pictures of the main street of Olongapo and in particular some of the bars there. I am especially interested if you have pictures of the "Queen Bee" bar or any of the "hostesses" there. Thanks
Posted 9-6-00
Bob Yeaman GMTCS Ret., 67 - 68, 70 - 71
Was there in 67-68, 70-71 Stationed. Anyone remember Sam's Club?, RIO club?, Hillriders Band? Would love to hear from you. Thanks
Posted 9-10-00
Michael Donegan - former YN3, 69 - 70
Wow, a walk thru memory lane!! Subic was our home away from home in 69 & 70, USS KITTY HAWK. Beautiful country that I do remember, but spent most of my time on Grande Island - the city scared this little 18 year old kid - ha, ha, ha, Thanks again for a great web site - I will be back often.
Posted 9-11-00
Gary Meech, COMUSNAVPHIL, 88 - 91
I was stationed at COMUSNAVPHIL from 88 until just after the eruption of Pinatubo. Your site brings back many of good memories. I was wondering if there are any other CT's out there that were either stationed at Subic or off of some of the ships that pulled into port that are out there? The good old times at Sunnys and One4Droad!
Posted 9-12-00
Greg Hoffert, Sk3 Naval Supply Depot, 7-69 to 9-71
Great page! I was stationed with NSD for 26 great months. Worked in expedite service for 1 month, then bldg 1006 for 7 months, then medical supplies for 9months, then was the security container custodian in bldg 1026 for 11 months. It was great duty and of course I didn't see enough of the place because we were too busy "steaming every night in olongapo. Miss the midnight or later runs to cubi pt terminal snack bar for those great hocky puck burgers when we had graveyard shift duty. Would love to hear from anyone I was stationed with like Chief Frenck, Clemmet Caine (killer) Pearson, Rick Ewoniuk or any other of my drinken buddies. Wish I could re-enlist and go back. Its amazing what you realize you should have done 30 years too late.
Posted 9-13-00
George (Ken) Cronin, OSC(SW), USN Ret
PATWING ONE DET Cubi Point 1980-1983
Plus 4 WestPac's
Has it really been 20 years? I arrived at Clark AB on a "Flying Tigers" 747. Took a school bus to Subic and it was raining so hard I could not figure out how the driver could see where we were going. That was the start of my 3 1/2 years at Cubi. I look at the pictures on this web site and I am flooded with memories. The best tour I had in my 20 years of active duty. I miss that place! The cold beer, shit river, dried fish and many other things. Thank you very much for the website!
Posted 9-25-00
BM3 Randy E. Howard, USS Hancock 75, USS Ashtabula 76 - 77
Subic Bay was the first place I really ever went By myself. I was 18 just out of Boot Camp and after 30 days leave I boarded a Plane from Atlanta Ga, and made my way to Subic. I was in Manila when Ali and Frazer Fought, didn't get to go to the fight but I was in town having a good time. I came to Subic on one West Pac with the Hancock and two West Pac's on the Ashtabula. I pulled clean up detail on Grande Island when the refugee's were there. What I remember the most was, the Jeepney rides, the Cock Fights on the sidewalk in the Middle of town, How Friendly the Locals were !!, and this Service Man droping this little kid off the Shit River Bridge for Bothering him about a Peso. The little kid came out of the River, cussing I assume, and chasing the guy with a Monkey Meat stick.
Posted 10-7-00
AZ1(AW) Steve Alexander, NAS Cubi AIMD 73 - 75
VP-6 Det Cubi 80 and 83, Fasotragrupac Det Cubi Pt 84 - 87.
Spent a lot of station dito time in P.I. It grew on me, I loved it, and couldn't get enough of it. Best thing I ever did was get an early out back to the world. Took me 5 years to recuperate from the cultural shock. Did everything imaginable. Only you guys will ever know. Can't tell the stories here because they think you "bollsheet".
My most memorable story is when a group of Filipinos in my apartment complex in Mabayuhan broke a 2x4 from the roof, beat a dog to death, poured hot water on it, skinned it, cooked it, and said, "Eat some - tastes like chicken. After 6 San Migoos it did taste like chicken. Thanks for the real nice web site.
Posted 10-7-00
R Maegan, USS Midway 85 - 87
I was on the USS MIDWAY 1985-87. Did alot of time in the P.I.. Would like to hear from any VA 115 shipmate. Looking for AO2 O.C. Condullie, or AO2 Mike Geason. Contact me at.
Posted 10-8-00
Jim Spalding, 80 - 82
Pat Wing One Det, Cubi Pt. RP, OS2(SW) USN
Really loved your site. It brought back a flood of memories. Some bad, but mostly good. I remember lunch time Samuari Runs, kicking back at the Cork Room with a San Miguel Dark, or sitting at the Mariposa watching the girls walk by. I won't even go into the Subic City times. Although, I will mention that my cousin Hy Spalding owned the Pair-O-Dice Bar in Subic City. Keep up the great work, and thanks again.
Posted 10-9-00
RMC (Ret), In and Out between 62 - 83
Zapata's Mexican Food, Angeles City
Great website, I first got to Subic on the USS Eldorado in 1962 and was in and out of the Philippines until retirement in 1983 including shore duty at MSTS Manila in 1965-66. For those of you who ever drank at Pete Coopers Travelers Bar either in the Barrio or alongside shit river, Pete passed away over a year ago in Houston of cancer of the throat. Probably caused by agent orange incurred while driving river boats. His death, however tragic, was at least mercifully fast. I would not have been able to bear watching someone like Pete with a lingering illness.
I currently own a Mexican Restaurant in Angeles city and as the Godfather of Pete's daughter, have regular contact with his wife and kids who greatly appreciate hearing about any of his exploits.
Posted 10-20-00
Robert J. Patton, Electronics Technician
SRF Subic (Sept 82 - Sept 84), USS Sterett (Sept 84 - May 87)
I was stationed at the Crypto Repair Facility at SRF from Sept 82 - Sept 84. Loved Subic so much that I stayed and went to the USS Sterett from Sept 84- May 87. Made it back only twice since then; a few months after Pinatubo while I was onboard the Robert E. Peary (FF-1073) and then last year when the USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) pulled into Manila I took a side trip down to Subic. Currently an ETCS stationed onboard the Blue Ridge. Would love to hear from anyone that was at SRF and onboard the Sterett. Love the web site. Brings back MANY fond memories. Subic was (is) a big part of my life.
Posted 10-20-00
Ray & Joy Shepherd, NTCC Cubi Point, 79 - 82
Hello. Ray & Joy Shepherd here. We are looking for our friend "Letty Austria" from our time in the Olongapo City area 1979 - 1982. I was in and out of Subic Bay 1977 till my tour there in 1979. We left Subic in Dec 1982 and this was the last time we saw or heard from Letty. If anyone knows her or of her whereabouts, please give us a holler. I was stationed at NTCC Cubi Point: October 1979 - December 1982.
Posted 10-20-00
Gary Phelps, TMC USN (Ret.), USS Piedmont (AD-17)
My name is Gary Phelps, TMC USN (Ret.). Made several trips to Subic while stationed aboard USS Piedmont (AD-17). I'm in high hopes of reaching any, and all, sailors that remember me aboard USS Piedmont. Was also member of AFPs from 1973-1974. I'm in dire need/search of any and all photos of USS Piedmont and TM's assigned.
Posted 10-20-00
Angela Mariconi-Parker EN2, USN Subic Bay Boton 82-84
Would Love to hear from any one on tugs, boat pool, pusher boats or yo's...How is everyone out there. Subic memories are my favorite naval memories. Today's sailors are truly missing something without Subic Bay.. Y'all write me out there and share some memories.
Posted 10-20-00
Ordean Torgerson, AO2 VF-142 55 & 57
Temporarily detached to Subic Bay Airbase while aboard the USS Boxer (55) and USS Hornet (57). Have fond memories of Seabee's that greeted you on base, The Sea Horse EM Club, Olongapo Rapid Transit Co., Baguio, Seabee barracks with live in monkeys, etc. Enjoyed your web site and would like to hear from crew members who served with The World Famous Fighting Falcons from 55, 56 & 57
Posted 10-21-00
Rick DeLaGarza bm2, Port Ops, 78 - 80
Was stationed in subic 78-80 worked at port ops. Was a Dock Master. This is a great site. Thanks
Posted 10-22-00
Bill McKee, 64 - 67
I was a GMG2 and my first ship was the USS Terrell County LST 1157, I served on her from 1964 to 1966.We were homeported in Yokosuka,Japan and made many trips to Subic.That was one heck of a liberty port!!! My second ship to serve on was the USS Paul Revere APA 248.We also made several stops in Subic on her too. In fact we left Viet Nam and came back to Subic to re-supply before returning to Viet Nam and that is where I got off the ship to return to the States for my discharge.Was in Subic for a week before I got a flight out of Clark AFB.That week I was waitng on my flight out was "SOMETHING ELSE" !!!!! Would like to hear from any of my old shipmates or from anyone else that may have served on one of these great ships.
Posted 10-25-00
Kevin Norwood, USS Enterpeise, 72 - 76
Wow , thanks for a good trip down memory lane!! I spent a lot of time at Po city while serving with VA-196 on the USS Enterprise from 1972 to 1976... Yep, there was a tear of nostalgia... I'm glad to have experienced this.
Posted 11-4-00
AFCM Chuck Collett (1962-1991)
I was the Command Master Chief of VRC-50 from Feb 88-Sept 91. Spent many trips in and out of the Philippines between 1962 thru 1991 as a A-3 crewman navigator, and P-3 flight engineer.
Posted 11-4-00
Bill Palumbo MACS/USN RET. , 72 - 78
Outstanding site! Wow, it brought back some great memories. I was stationed at NAS Cubi point from March 1972 to June1974, as a ABH-3. Worked at the air terminal, very busy time, lots of cargo to Vietnam. July 1974 to June 1976, last WESTPAC, on USS Oriskany CV-34. July 1976 to Feburary 1978, stationed Armed Forces Police, Subic Bay, as a ABH-2/Patrolman. Town/Base patrol, Olongapo, Subic City. when the fleet was in it got interesting. Drunk sailors and marines, fights breaking out. The mud, blood and the beer. Have a Great Navy Day!
Posted 11-10-00
PN3 Edward Catiller, PSD Subic Bay Dec90 -Dec92
I would like to hear from any PSD personnel from this period. Mt. Pinatubo is still a nightmare to me. To this day I still have dreams about those two weeks (no power or water), but I do have many fond memories of that time before the eruption. If anyone is interested in going please E-mail me.
Posted 11-16-00
RM2 Johnny Warren
USS Herbert J. Thomas DD-833, 65-66, USS Oxford
AGTR-1, 68-69
While serving aboard ship, we hit Subic Bay quite often. The Oxford was homeported there. Of all the memories of the service, the ones from Subic have to be right up there at the top, what a liberty port!!! Between the bar girls and the San Migel beer a fellow could'nt help but have a ball!!!!! Will keep checking the site, hope to hear from some old gray haired shipmates, its been a while.
Posted 11-20-00
Richard D Kite, AE2, 58 - 61
My brother Richard D Kite was there in 58-61. He was an AE 2. Not sure what he did. Would appricate to talk to anyone who knew him. He was from Washington State. I am his "little" brother. Jim
Posted 11-20-00
Ron Roach
Your site really brought back some good memories. I was stationed on several MSCPAC ships over 12 or 13 years I was over there. I was on the USNS Chauvenet, Taluga, Mispillion, Passumpsic & Spica. I used to hang out primarially at the American Legion and Dollies Tavern. Although I'm sure I've hit most of the other joints around there. If anyone out there knows or remembers me, drop me a note at my e-mail address. I'd really like to hear from you.
Posted 11-23-00
OS1 (Ret) Kevin Shopshire, USS St. Louis (LKA-116), 75 - 78
I made two deployments to Westpac, and Subic was a frequent visit. I was 17-years-old and had never really been away from home, other than A School and Boot Camp. I grew up pretty quick. I have been retired for five years now, and I'm a reporter for a small daily newspaper in Michigan. Sometimes, I forget I was ever in the Navy, but sites like this great one remind me of the good times. I would love to hear from any old shipmates or anyone from Michigan who was ever there. I can't hear the Led Zepplin song D'yer Maker without thinking of the New Florida Club.
Posted 11-25-00
Bill Cowles, CWO Ret., Ship Superintendent at SRF Subic, 69 - 71
What a great site! Just did a search for "srf subic tigers" and found it. I was a ship superintendent at SRF Subic from January 1969 to October 1971. Returned on WestPacs in '72-'74 and had a blast. Attended reunions of Subic Bay folks in Reno ('86), Las Vegas ('88) and Reno ('94). I was really saddened when the base closed. I sponsor a young lad near Manila through Compassion International.
Posted 11-25-00
Dennis R. Isabell, U.S.S. Klondike AR-22, 1966
My son was asking me where I was stationed in the Phillipines when I decided to type in Subic Bay. Much to my surprise here was a website with many messages from sailors and marines that served in Subic, thanks for a great job we sincerely appreciate your efforts. I served on The U.S.S. Klondike AR-22, in 1966, Subic holds special memories for me and for everyone that visited this place. I would be interested in hearing from anyone that has any memories of Olongopo or the E.M. club I believe it was called Club Sampaguita ( not correct spelling I am sure). Thanks, Dennis R. Isabell Toledo, Ohio
Posted 11-29-00
Stationed VP-6 (77-79), PATWING ONE Det Cubi (80-83)
and PACFAST Det Subic (86-91)
Thanks very much for the great site; you have made it possible to revisit the many wonderful memories of a time gone by, but surely not forgotten. Olongapo, Gordon Avenue, Magsaysay, Victory Liner Circle, blue and yellow jeepneys, Barrio Burrito, Subic City, warm San Miguel evenings joking along the waters edge. The pinnacle of my social efflorescence. Another day I would have cherished if I had known it was to have come to such a sudden end. I miss it all !!!!
Posted 12-3-00
Rich Gallagher, CYN3,
NAVCOMMCEN Subic, July 1967 - January 1969;
USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) February 1969 - November 1970
This website is terrific and has brought back a lot of memories. I was amazed to see that EM Barracks #2 is still standing! I spent one night at NAVCOMMSTA Phil and the next morning was sent to Subic with fellows CYNs Lloyd Stradley, Dan Seib, Dave Boerm, Craig Shirey and Clayborn Goods. Shirey and Goods were assigned to the Message Center at Cubi and the rest of us worked at the Comm Center in the COMNAVBASE building at Subic. Some of us still keep in touch -- Stradley, Boerm, RM3 Ray Deaton and I had a reunion in Houston a couple of months ago. In the fall of 1968 I played on the COMNAVBASE basketball team which won the Naval Base championship. I still have my trophy sitting on a shelf. I also remember the major earthquake which hit in August of 68 and eating greaseburgers at the Spanish Gate. I'd love to hear from anyone who worked at the Subic Comm Center or the Cubi message center during 1967 or 1968. I also made many return visits to Subic during two Westpac cruises aboard the Bonnie Dick.
Posted 12-3-00
J.D. Sears BM2, 69 - 72
I was on the USS Paul Revere LPA-248 from 1/69 to 9/72. Made many trips to Subic. (In fact, we were there when they brought in the remaining half of the USS Evans.) Would like to here from old shipmates.
Posted 12-5-00
Brad Senter, CVA-62, 1965
Great website, many thanks for the trip down memory. I visited Olongapo City, on and off for seven months while serving aboard USS Independence CVA-62 in 1965. Gosh, I'll never forget my first night of liberty there, walking thru that gate and seeing heaven, at least that's what it was for this 20 year old. I'm still in touch with a lot of my old shipmates and invariably when we get together, Olongapo becomes the topic of conversation. Thanks for the many pleasant memories.
Posted 12-6-00
HM2 Bill Hartley, Subic Navy Recruiting, 1971
Hi!, I'm HM2 Bill Hartley and I was stationed at Subic in Navy Recruiting in early to mid 1971 when the detachment was moved from Sangley pt. After that I was sent to the U.S.S. Coral Sea CVA 43. I would like to hear from any of my old friends, particularly Steve Walthall and Jim Hoobler.
Posted 12-11-00
ABH3 Gregory Duty, NAS Cubi Pt Air Terminal-Freight Services,
USS Ranger/USS Constellation V-1 Div.
It would be redundant to say that this site "takes me for a walk to the past" So I will just say that I am very thankful that I lived to see the "magic" that the World Wide Web has amazed us all with. The Air Terminal was a close knit group, and I forged some of my most memorable friendships with Military/Civilian alike. SK's ABH's.........You know who you are! I'm Kickin' it down here in TEXAS! Drop me a line. Beep Beep!
Posted 12-11-00
Gene Brown, Retired 1975
In and out of Subic many times in 20yrs of Naval Service Uss Jason AR8 ,Uss Coral Sea , Uss Dixie AD14 , Uss Midway , Last tour in 1974 aboard Uss Jason AR8 was Chief in Charge of Shore Patrol had a office downtown at police station. retire in 1975 in San Diego as BRC.
Posted 12-16-00
Dennis D. Lund, AT3, Div/Squadron: VA-163 - NAS Lemoore, CA
Millington, TN - 1966: VA-125, NAS Lemoore, CA.,
U.S.S. Oriskany CVA-34 on WestPac Cruise (carried Rear
Admiral George S. Morrison) 1967-1968 ,
U.S.S. Hancock CVA-19 on WestPac Cruise 1968-1969, and
finally to VA-216, at NAS Alameda, CA.
Joined USS Oriskany in Subic Bay a couple days after the explosion aboard her on October 26, 1966. Arrived back in San Diego November 16, 1966. Was on station in the Tonkin Gulf on the Oriskany July 29, 1967, when the USS Forrestal suffered its explosions that resulted in fatalities. Later on, deployed on USS Hancock CVA-19 (1968-1969).
It's hard to believe all this time has passed, since my duty out in the "Gulf"! I must say that I have fond memories of my time overseas. Guess my favorite port was Olongapo, where else? Did things there that most guys only dream of. My buddies and I hung out at the Queen Bee Club, Oro Club (at the end of Magsaysay street on the right), or at the Hong Kong Club (about a mile down after turning right at the Oro Club)?
I also enjoyed Yokosuka, Sasebo, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. I did not care much for Singapore. Anyway, the Navy was very good to me. Just did not realize at the time how well I had it. The best liberty that anyone could ever find anywhere. Subic is unreal, no !!! Ha
Posted 12-20-00
Danny Fultz, AZ2, VAW-117, USS Enterprise, 81-85
Thanks for a walk down memory lane. I have many wonderful memories of Subic and Olongapo. Would dearly love to go back and see what it's like today. Would love to hear from Peter Mendoza or Michael Hebb or anyone from VAW-117 from 81-85.
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