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03 Messages Posted
Posted 3-27-09
Sgt Jeff Holte, USMC, 1979
I stumbled upon this site today and have spent about five hours going through all the photos and stories, sometimes laughing, sometimes shedding a tear, but mostly reflecting on all of the Marines I was blessed to know and love. I echo James B. Flores (Dino), LCpl, June 1987 January 1989 comments of "The biggest tragedy is that todays Marines will never know what it was like to party on Magsaysay, play smiles, see a PI peso show, drink San Miguel and get a visit from some bush bunnies while in the field." When I read these comments my whole Marine life came roaring to the front of all of my memories. I experienced all these memories that James shared. PI was a young mans dream, unfortunately for me it was our first and last stop of our float. The reason I say "unfortunately" is we next went to Hong Kong, Korea, etc... (you all know the float route), and all of these other places were a disappointment compared to PI. My Marine Corps memories are without a doubt the best memories of my life. Not only do I miss those fun times stated by James, but also the Esprit de Corps that only Marines can understand. I have 5 true friends, all of them Marines I served with, some that I have not talked to for almost 30 years, they are still closer to me than any friend I have made since leaving active duty. I know they still have my back after all these years. I am a successful executive at one of the largest TPA's in North America. I have friends and associates that are movie stars, presidential candidates, captains of industry, sports stars etc., but I have met no one that I can say has half of the character, honor or trust as those I served with in the USMC. Thank you for this site, thank everyone that has contributed to this site that has allowed this old Marine's chest to swell with pride and Esprit de Corps. Once a Marine Always a Marine! What a movie all of these memories would make... So to Cpl Kenny Shepherd, Sgt Larry Witt, Sgt Vernon (Corky) McCorkle, Sgt Humberto Houlgine, Cpl Larry Petrovitch,and all those Band of Brothers, SemperFi!
Posted 12-30-09
Kevin Wickham, 1983
My name is Kevin Wickham. I was in Subic in the spring of 1983 as an E-4 in the Marines. Had a great time there and now after all these years am back living and working here. Many things have changed, but the place still has the old feel of when I was first here. Looking to get in touch with couple friends who served with me at the time, Sgt. J.E.Shaw and Cpl. Kevin Yeats. Haven't spoken to either in over 20 years, so if any of you jar heads out there know of them or how to get ahold of them, could you pass this on? Otherwise, Semper Fi, and if any of you yahoo's that were here when I was, and are in town, look me up.
Joel Bump, 1983 - 1984
Looking for a few Marines from A Company 1983-84. I am Pvt Bump, old roomate of Ebeyer and Temple. Also looking for Isac Sanchez , Chapman, Bohmen, and Sgt. Hubarrd (mean old critter). Good times in Subic City. I am now residing in Anahiem, Ca. Email me all Marines 83 84 A Co. Subic Bay.
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