His time came to an end!
By: Fred Ferro, MA1 RET
I was stationed with OPM, OFF BASE OPM/AFP, OPM/MP and OPM/K-9 From 1980-1986.
While working Off Base OPM/AFP, we had a little Marine Sgt. 5'5" 140, at best, working with us, who was TAD from a F4 Squadron. So he was an OPM 7Th Fleet Shore Patrol. Well, this Sgt was a supply type, no leadership, just his typewriter.
So when they give him a night stick and a badge, he turns into this super A hole. We would handle all types of calls off Base from guys getting ripped off, to guys being stab to death. Most of us were good guys. We would give the fleet a break, because we knew we came from the fleet before we came to the PI. Not this Marine! He would Slam the drunk Sailor or Marine into the truck. Would write up everyone he stopped for being drunk. Well hell, everyone in town was drunk. We were there to make sure they did not get in trouble with the locals and get them back to the ship in on piece. Not this guy.
His time came to an end. He was going back to his squadron and he checked out of OPM. He was in town the night before he flies back to the states. He was drunk on his rear end. One of us see him and approach him. Informing him he had to much to drink and he was being taken back to the base. His liberty was secured. He stands up, tells us he was not going back to the base. Well, he got what he gave a lot of Sailors and Marines, a ride back to AFP HEADQUARTERS in leg Irons and Handcuffs. Oh and we wrote him up for assault on a AFP/MP and being Drunk.
He missed his flight out of Cubi Point. We held up notifying his command that we had him. They listed him as missing movement. We turned him over to the Marines after his flight departed.